Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Random Wednesday

It seems like most of the bloggers I read go with a random Friday, but I'm adopting Wednesdays.  Not sure of why.  It could just be that today is Wednesday and I have several unrelated things to say. 

1) First off, happy 11th birthday to my oldest son, Aaron!

We had a family celebration tonight.  He got to chose the place to have dinner and a good time was had by all.  Can't believe he is already eleven, and even though some days I forget, he really has come miles since he first came to us three years ago. 

2) It was 103 degrees here today!  Thankfully, the heat spell is supposed to end tomorrow night and double thankfully they fixed the air conditioner in my office at work!  The stacks of crap are piling up at my house and by the time cooler weather arrives, my To Do list is going to be a mile long, but it is just too hot to be bothered to do a whole lot.  I have been able to retain some semblance of order, but everything needs to be properly cleaned.  The only thing I am purposely avoiding is the kitchen floor.  I have resolved not to mop and wax it until the kids go back to school, because like an unsharpened pencil, there would just be no point.  The day I wax it, without fail, someone spills something on it. 

3) I got really annoyed last night.  Please keep in mind that ever since seeing the dolphins, I've been on an animal activist kick again, full throttle.  There are times when I think PETA is over the top, but there are just some things that don't make any sense to me, like a lot of the crap I read on this website.  The short of it is about animals wild animals who attack people while in captivity.  Then what do the people do?  In  most cases, they turn around and shoot the offending animal.  Does this make little to no sense to anyone else???  Though this happened like a year ago, there was a senior in high school who went to a tiger sanctuary to have her senior portraits taken with a tiger and the tiger killed her.  Now, my heart goes out to the family as it has to be excruciatingly painful to lose a child, but does no one else think that having a teenager want her picture taken with a tiger is a bad idea?  My mother wouldn't even let me go to a friend's house if she didn't know the parents, so a tiger would have definitely been out of the question!  I'm sorry, but I cannot blame a wild animal for being wild.  It doesn't matter how long they have been in captivity, there are just certain things that are in their nature.  Technically, the cat could have just been playing.  My cats romp with me, and grab my hand and claw at me and occasionally give me a playful love bite.  It's in their nature.  Now, take that same behavior and magnify it a couple of hundred times to tiger size and suddenly that behavior is a problem and the tiger winds up killed.  This is where I really struggle with animals in captivity of any kind.  We just have to keep messin' with nature and then when it messes back we get all pissed off and vengeful.  You would think that one day, the powers that be would work all this out and put an end to it for the poor animals and the people who are being placed in potential harm's way.

4) My diet has been so far out the window, it is merely a speck in the sky and a vivid memory.  It was all going so well before it all went so wrong.  It's not like I can say "I have no idea what happened!" because I know exactly how the dominoes fell.  The first domino occured when the inlaws were here for a couple of reasons.  When they are here, I tend to feel guilty running off to Curves and leaving them with the kids.  After all, school was out and they had the kids in the morning while I worked.  The other piece of that was that the visit this time was a wee bit stressful for me.  My MIL was having hip problems (she has had one hip replaced and now the other one is going) and being in pain can make anyone cranky.  She was cranky.  The other piece of that is that I was sick at the time with a cold.  So guilt+cranky+sick=no Curves.

Then there was the summer of the Zyprexa.  Y'all know that story and we have remedied it, but we still had two months of hell first.

Then there was the wrist surgery.  Again, I blogged the story.  So, what I have learned about myself is that I am a stress eater and I have been REALLY stressed which has led me to terrible food choices.  The illness, the surgery and kids out of school for the summer have led me to not workout and I can fairly safely say that the weight I lost has found its way home.  So, the goal for the next three weeks until school starts is to get back on the eating better bandwagon, so that when school does start, I can go back to my workouts.

I'm going to be way honest here and say that this is my last attempt.  If this fails, I am going to look into weight loss surgery.  It is not something I want to do, but on the same token, I do not want to be overweight the second half of my life.  I fear that there are many people out there who think that surgery is an "easy way out" but trust me, I have done the research on this surgery and it is not something I want to do.  I want to be able to keep to a weight loss program, but I don't want to yo-yo the rest of my life either.  I have friends who can put anything they want to in their mouths and not gain a pound (which is often a problem in itself as there are people with the opposite problem of myself: they can't gain weight.  No one can tell me that some part of weight and metabolism are not in a person's genetic makeup).  I am not one of those people.

So, I am trying this for the last time.  If by Spring, I do not have significant progress, I consult my doctor.

5) Last but not least, read the book "Marley and Me".  The Brit and I listened to it on tape on the journey to and from Cape May, and I highly recommend it. Yes, it has its sad bits, but what a great tribute to a less than perfect pet. 

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