Tuesday, October 3, 2006

A downer of a list

Haven't really been around much the last few days, I know.  Tell y'all what...I have been stuck in one heck of a funk.  It set in yesterday and has yet to release me and I'm not entirely certain of where it is coming from.  I figure it could be one or all of several things:

1) The world has gone mad.  Three school shootings in a week and each one rips my heart out and makes me fear for my own kids.  The earth we live in has not made any sense to me for a long, long time.  Not only are innocent school kids being murdered, and planes are being flown into buildings, but we're trying to figure out every possible way to remove God from our country.  My congregation is working hard to get people into the church and a country founded on Christian values is trying to cut all ties with God.  It is beyond my understanding.

2) I haven't been feeling well the last two days.  Swollen gland on the right side of my neck (it happens occasionally) which has my neck all the way up to my ear aching and it is accompanied by a raging headache.  It has also managed to suck any and all energy from me.

3) A lack of cooperation by children to pick up after themselves (this is especially critical when combined with #2).  We have established a new rule tonight.  Anything they leave lying around, gets black bagged and they need to pay a quarter to get the item back.  Something has to give because each day is spent doing the exact same chores as the day before, because the same crap gets left in places it shouldn't be each night.

4) I also think I may be a little depressed in general.  My life feels kind of out of control (could this have anything to do with the world being insane as mentioned in #1?) between my food and exercise plan (or lack thereof right now).  Hey Sheri, you're a dietician right?  How about helping me with a food plan?  Only you can't include any icky stuff in it.  Like sugarless carob covered almonds.  Maybe if it was carob covered milk duds or something....I just hate almonds.  And pecans and walnuts.  Love peanuts and cashews...oh, and no coconut either.  *shudder* or raisins.  Can you see why I would be a challenge? 

Honestly though, I know I need to get my bad habits under control because I'm forty now and I still have a lot of stuff I want to do in my life.  I have a book I'm working on and kids to raise and things to see and do with the Brit.  I want to be around to have grandkids one day. 

I guess I need to take control of MY world before I can make any sense out of the world in its entirety.  But before I even do that, I need a plan...and I need to shake the funk I'm in currently, because when I'm this funky, forget a plan; I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning as the day looming ahead is far too intimidating.

I just really hope it passes soon.

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