Wednesday, April 4, 2007


The weight loss update

So, I am now down 16 pounds as of today.  I was stuck for over a week with no loss when suddenly this week, three pounds vanished.  I'm not complaining.

It's been really hard to keep up with the blog lately, because though I don't find losing weight exhausting, it is time consuming.  There are workouts to consider, and what takes up even more time is the energy I need to burn off!  I'm getting much more accomplished in a day now because I feel like I CAN do more.  It's a good thing really.

The pastor update

Just for the record, talking less does not automatically make you listen more apparently.  He had requested that this week I make it my "mission" to find a full length mirror for in one of the bathrooms as well as three inexpensive pictures.  I told him on Monday that as I do my grocery shopping on Tuesdays after work, that I would look for a mirror at the Walmart but that I wouldn't be able to look for pictures until Wednesday. 

So this morning, I brought in the mirror as well as the mirror hanging tape and as I can't hang things straight to save my life, I just left them in the narthex for him to do, because if it's crooked, I don't want to hear about it.  When he came in and went into my office, he said, "I see you found a mirror." to which I replied, "Yup."  Then he said, "But you didn't get much further than that."  Hello?  Should I just stop speaking as he doesn't listen to a word I say anyhow, which results in sarcastic comments directed at me?  Don't just listen; be an ACTIVE listener.

The cats

The cat introductions are coming soon.  I have taken a handful of pictures but I still need to download them and then resize them, so I can see what I have and who I still need to get.

The kids

The kids are off school for the next five days in a painful reminder that summer is coming and they will soon have to come to work with me everyday.  I expect the new kid on the block to complain but to quote a parishioner when I voiced my concerns, "Nobody else minds, so why should he?"  They are actually pretty good at the church and a big help to the yard sale crew with pricing and set up.  Fact is, I can't work at the church just to pay for daycare for the kids three months a year and they aren't old enough nor trustworthy enough to stay at home alone.  They were with me all summer last year and no one died or even minded.  Pastor Phil as well as an older couple in the church often took them for lunch, which they all enjoyed.  They were asked to do some small tasks by the folks who are in and out of the church during the week.  Everyone will survive.

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