I love discussing religion and hearing what other people think. I don't call it debating or even disagreeing; just discussing. There are probably as many different views of God, Jesus and heaven as there are people on the earth, so I always find it interesting to hear how other folks think or imagine things to be. We all have questions and I, for one, look forward to the day when I ask my Creator all of mine. As I said yesterday, I don't profess to know the answers, but some thoughts just feel more comfortable to me than others.
So Jaime asked:
If God will accept into Heaven every person, regardless of whether they believe in Christ as their savior, then why did Christ have to come and die for our sins in the first place?
I'm not trying to start a debate or anything... I'm just curious as to your thoughts on this. What was the point of God becoming man and taking upon Himself the wrath of the Father for all the sins of humanity, if He's going to allow everyone into Heaven in the first place?
I sent her an email reply that said:
I totally see your point; I do. What I just can't reconcile is God as a loving father who would condemn any of his children to pain and suffering for all eternity. As a parent of a difficult child, I know that no matter how much Aaron tries me and defies me sometimes, I could never do that to him, so how can I imagine God doing any less than what I can do? If He loves even the ones who do not or do not yet believe in him, how could he ever want pain for them? And then what about the people who are good but don't know Christ? What about the people who live in remote places who are never taught about Jesus? Do they go to hell?
I don't profess to know the answers, but I just can't see God as anything that cruel. Why did Jesus come? Maybe because without him, we wouldn't ever have the opportunity to meet God as Jesus is the only way to God. I'm sure I am simplifying it, as only human beings can do and I look forward to knowing the answers one day.
I can't really answer Jaime's question and while I can't do that, I also can't reconcile a father condemning any of his children.
Then Laura said:
I could never understand how "God knows what your going to do before you do it" and "Free Will" fit together. IMO is was a contradiction - if He knows, then it's not free will, your life is all planned out. I then came across a website one time that explained it.
He said put yourself at a fork in the road. You can go left and solve the problem God's way or right and solve it your way - you'll notice God's way is a straight path, but your way is a lot of twists and turns - decide how you want to get to the conclusion. The conclusion doesn't change, just the way you choose to get there.
Though I don't know if I picture Hell as a pit of fire...I see it more as separation from God forever. I *do* believe that you must accept Jesus as your savior NOW, it's too late after death. We're all sinners, sinners will get into heaven...but it's by *who* you know, not by what you do.
My feelings on the first part of this is that God knowing what we are going to do doesn't make it not our free will. I don't think he is a puppeteer pulling our strings, but he is all knowing. Whether we make the right decision or the wrong decision, He knows what that decision will be and He works it for good somewhere.
The last paragraph, again, what about people who are never introduced to Jesus in this life? What if their first introduction is once they die here? So because they never were told about Him here, then they have to spend eternity separated from God. That doesn't seem fair. Again, I fully believe that God is going to sort all this out and He already knows the answer.
Maybe having the relationship with Him in this life, that Christians do, helps us get through this life. Because we know there is something more. Maybe those that don't know Him struggle and fear life as well as death because they don't know of anything else. I can't imagine not knowing Jesus, yet there are millions who don't. My faith is always what soothes my soul and ceases my fears. I can't imagine not having that.
My thoughts on these things are kind of new to me. When these thoughts were presented to me (again, by people stating they didn't know these things for sure, but it was their "hope") I was flabbergasted. No fiery pit of hell? No one willing to accept Jesus after death is turned away? No way, not for me, thank you very much. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about the prodigal son/loving, waiting, forgiving father, the more it made sense to me.
Again, only to me. I'm not trying to change anyone's views, but I do love discussing them. What really matters to me right now is that I have Jesus in my heart and have an ongoing relationship with Him. The afterlife stuff is going to take care of itself when I get there.
But I still love hearing what y'all have to say.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Small Continuation from Yesterday
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