Monday, December 1, 2008

The one and only Monday highlight

So after a four day absence due to the holiday weekend, I went to the gym after work.  I had just finished my leg work and had walked over to get my towel and water before hitting the elliptical, when the older gentleman who was working approached me.  Let me preface this by reminding you that I had been trying to find someone who would teach me some of the "big boy weights" in the middle of the room but was too self conscious to ask a stranger for help.  When it comes to working out, no matter how much weight I have lost and how much exercise I am now capable of, I still feel like the fat girl at the gym.

So, the man approaches me and says "You're working hard."

I was startled, not accustomed to anyone paying me a workout compliment, what with being the fat girl and all at the gym, but I blushed and smiled and said, "Well, I try."

"No, I mean it.  I've been watching you and you work really hard out there.  How much have you lost?"

"93 pounds so far."

This launched us into a little conversation about what machines I generally worked and I got up the courage to ask him if he would ever be willing to show me some of the other machines.

"Let's set up an appointment right now."

I meet with him a week from today and I will be learning some of the big boy weights.  Go me.

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