Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Shorts

I got a headstart on my week tonight by getting the downstairs vacuumed and laundry started because tomorrow, I go back to hitting the gym to lift weights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday and then kickbox on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I need to get my weight loss kick started again, especially this month with being away most of next month. 

I'm still having right knee issues, which have actually been a bit worse today as it really stiffens up when I'm sitting down.  The pain seems to be more behind the knee and down the back of my calf, so maybe it is a strained muscle.  So annoying and it needs to go away!

I'm trying something different in the month of May.  As we now have a deck and a firepit and plenty of places for seating, we have extended an open invitation for anyone to drop by on Friday nights starting at about 7:30, weather permitting.  It may be fruitless, or it may go over well and if the latter is true, we will pick it up again in July.  I think it could be fun as we would never know who would turn up nor would anyone else.  We'll see how it goes.

I need to start making lists; the things I need to get at home before vacation, the things I need to get done at work before vacation, the things I need to pack and do before vacation. 

Tomorrow is another day, Scarlet.

1 comment:

  1. You know - I had a similar muscle issue when I did Tae Bo back in the day (the closest I ever came to kickboxing) and it was from me hyper-extending my legs... but mine was a groin muscle. Try going to the doctor with that - EMBARASSING! Geez!

    The firepit open house sounds wonderful - I wish that we lived closer - I'd totally stop by!
