Monday, September 14, 2009

We All Need a Wake Up Call Sometimes

So I had a really good weekend with the exception of Saturday morning when I received an email that someone I know and who is younger than me, has just been diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer.  The news nearly took my breath away.

I met this person in a job that was better defined as Hell.  The profession itself should not have been one of an atmosphere that fostered contention among employees but it was.  The two people who ran the place (and I use the word "ran" loosely) made sure that stress ran high.  They did not really allow the environment to foster friendships; they were much better at turning people against each other.  I did walk away from there (after they lied and fired me for job abandonment, which I so should have fought because I so would have won) with a few friendships with the girls I worked with directly, but not with anyone who worked in the back.  Departments were often pitted against each other by the ones in charge, sadly. 

But a few years passed and I got a message from this girl on Facebook, asking me for help with an exercise program because I had been "inspiring" her.  I was honest with her and told her about my surgery.  I told her I would happy to help her with what worked for me, but that I was no expert. She was in the process of moving back to my town and we had been discussing when we were going to get together.

Then I got her email.  This is a gal who has two young children and is in her thirties.  She is scheduled for a mastectomy this month and this week they are testing her to see if the cancer has spread to any other organs.  I'm praying constantly it has not. 

She has been on my mind constantly and it is such a reminder to take care of every single day we have.  That the things we complain about are often not that big of a deal.  It has also reminded me of all the times we stop talking to God when our lives are going well.  We feel as if we don't need Him when things are going our way and life is good.  I do it all the time.  Then suddenly things get bad and we are wondering where God is only to discover that he has been standing behind us the whole time we had our backs to him. 

I know God is with my friend right now.  I'm hoping she'll let me be there for her too.

Every day we have is a precious gift, to be lived to the fullest.  Don't take any of them for granted.  Take that chance, reach for that brass ring, do the things you are most afraid to do.  There are no second chances to our lives here, so make each day count.  Leave that legacy, point to the heavens for every miracle you witness...and we witness hundreds of them every single day.

I promise.

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