Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Year in Review 2009

2009 has been a bit of a tumultuous year, but it has also been a year of positive things at the same time. Not all the happenings were good and the bad was very bad, but regardless of the bad, I can't completely disregard the year because of the bad.

The worst part of 2009 was losing The Brit's mum in April. Loss is hard enough when it is expected and when those we love grow older, we start to occasionally think about losing those people. But when the loss is sudden, it tends to leave you reeling for a long time. Daphne's passing was like that. The whole thing did and at times, still does feel surreal. I didn't see her every day so often I had to remind myself she was gone. The good part about the whole thing is that she had cancer and went Home almost immediately after diagnosis, which meant she did not have a long, drawn out period of suffering with the illness if she could not be cured. Of course, sudden loss is harder on the family and I know my father-in-law especially still has a difficult time of it. The kids may have lost a parent, but he lost a life partner. It is something every couple will probably endure; the passing of a half with the other part of the whole left behind, but my guess is that until it is experienced, no one can imagine how hard it really is. I think he is doing fairly well considering and I am hopeful he will come to pay us a visit soon.

2009 was a year of renewing some old friendships/acquaintances. Shiloh and I have become friends, which I'm not sure we were before when we worked in hell. But even before her cancer diagnosis, there was a friendship in the making, which I believe is now undergoing steady growth. It was also a year of spending time with some people I had not spent much time with in awhile; Tod, Missy from high school, Ade and Chris in England, Amaya and Dave. There were also new friendships, such as Jimnotmike and Emily and Davenotfred. Good stuff and positive things as you can never have too many people in your corner when you need them.

For me personally, 2009 was a year of becoming more athletic. I walked my first 5 mile walk. I have started running. I cardio kickbox and love it. I find that as I grow in physical strength, I grow in confidence. It's still hard for me to think of being in the best shape of my life thus far at 43, yet it remains the truth. I'm still hoping to hit that size 14; I have not given up on it.
I think those are the biggest highlights of 2009. Sure, there were many little but still significant things, such a Fire Pit Frenzy Friday nights, but the biggest things to come from that were the friendships I have already mentioned. I got to spend another year with my amazing youth group, and my kids have grown a year older, as have I. I still think age is just a number and it is how we feel mentally and physically that matters...I think I am no more than 25.

Resolutions? A few. I am resolving to try harder, to be healthier, to consume cleaner things. I want to train to run a 5k. I want to try to cut out or at least cut back on my Splenda consumption and that will be a slow process. That will mean non-sweetened coffee and drinking plain water with no Crystal Lite. That will be a process. With the Crystal Lite, I can easily consume the amount of water a day I should. Without it, that will be a greater challenge. There are other little things that are escaping me right now. None are pass or fail scenarios; they are just resolutions to try harder to accomplish the things I want to accomplish. I plan to blog more and maybe even give the blog a little makeover. We'll see.

So what about you guys? What has stood out for you in 2009 and what are your plans for 2010?

Have a safe and happy New Year all!

The Year in Review 2009 and Am I Resolving Anything?

2009 has been a bit of a tumultuous year, but it has also been a year of positive things at the same time.  Not all the happenings were good and the bad was very bad, but regardless of the bad, I can't completely disregard the year because of the bad. 

  • The worst part of 2009 was losing The Brit's mum in April.  Loss is hard enough when it is expected and when those we love grow older, we start to occasionally think about losing those people.  But when the loss is sudden, it tends to leave you reeling for a long time.  Daphne's passing was like that.  The whole thing did and at times, still does feel surreal.  I didn't see her every day so often I had to remind myself she was gone.  The good part about the whole thing is that she had cancer and went Home almost immediately after diagnosis, which meant she did not have a long, drawn out period of suffering with the illness if she could not be cured.  Of course, sudden loss is harder on the family and I know my father-in-law especially still has a difficult time of it.  The kids may have lost a parent, but he lost a life partner.  It is something every couple will probably endure; the passing of a half with the other part of the whole left behind, but my guess is that until it is experienced, no one can imagine how hard it really is.  I think he is doing fairly well considering and I am hopeful he will come to pay us a visit soon.


  • 2009 was a year of renewing some old friendships/acquaintances.  Shiloh and I have become friends, which I'm not sure we were before when we worked in hell.  But even before her cancer diagnosis, there was a friendship in the making, which I believe is now undergoing steady growth.  It was also a year of spending time with some people I had not spent much time with in awhile; Tod, Missy from high school, Ade and Chris in England, Amaya and Dave.  There were also new friendships, such as Jimnotmike and Emily and Davenotfred.  Good stuff and positive things as you can never have too many people in your corner when you need them.


  • For me personally, 2009 was a year of becoming more athletic.  I walked my first 5 mile walk.  I have started running.  I cardio kickbox and love it.  I find that as I grow in physical strength, I grow in confidence.  It's still hard for me to think of being in the best shape of my life thus far at 43, yet it remains the truth.  I'm still hoping to hit that size 14; I have not given up on it. 

I think those are the biggest highlights of 2009.  Sure, there were many little but still significant things, such a Fire Pit Frenzy Friday nights, but the biggest things to come from that were the friendships I have already mentioned.  I got to spend another year with my amazing youth group, and my kids have grown a year older, as have I.  I still think age is just a number and it is how we feel mentally and physically that matters...I think I am no more than 25. 

Resolutions? A few.  I am resolving to try harder, to be healthier, to consume cleaner things.  I want to train to run a 5k.  I want to try to cut out or at least cut back on my Splenda consumption and that will be a slow process.  That will mean non-sweetened coffee and drinking plain water with no Crystal Lite.  That will be a process.  With the Crystal Lite, I can easily consume the amount of water a day I should.  Without it, that will be a greater challenge.  There are other little things that are escaping me right now.  None are pass or fail scenarios; they are just resolutions to try harder to accomplish the things I want to accomplish.  I plan to blog more and maybe even give the blog a little makeover.  We'll see.

So what about you guys?  What has stood out for you in 2009 and what are your plans for 2010?

Have a safe and happy New Year all!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Survived; Did You All?

So Merry Christmas a day late!

The insanity is over and I am still alive.  The gifts were bought and ripped open, the cantata was sung (and no robe was worn thankyouverymuch), stockings were hung and filled and dinner was cooked and consumed.  Tod joined us for dinner as due to the weather he did not go to his mother's Christmas day, so that was great fun and I was happy to have him. 

Santa was good to me...running shoes purchased at a for real running store, where they actually WAIT ON YOU!  Did not even know that still happened here in the USA.  Found out my feet are exactly the same size, which is apparently rare, another thing I did not know.  Santa also brought me a slow cooker with a timer (YES!  I love slow cookers.  They are a true gift for anyone who does not enjoy cooking and/or has a busy schedule.) and a lovely bracelet and necklace set.  Santa gave The Brit golf stuff and still owes him a golf club which he didn't want until the weather turns into golf weather again.

Once the holidays are over I am going into detox for sugar and carbs.  It hasn't been awful yet far from good and of course, getting to the gym is always a challenge over Christmas other words, it really doesn't happen.  Also in the New Year I want to start running outside, which scares me a bit, but it will scare me until I do it.  My longest run thus far has been 25 minutes, so I have a way to go, but I have no set schedule; just listening to my body....though by the time the kids go back to school and I actually get to run again, my body is going to be pretty pissed off.

Tomorrow is our Christmas party and if you are reading this and usually come and did not get an invite, please come.  I rely far too much on Facebook, because it is easy; I can set up the event and manage my RSVPs etc.  I meant to put other invites in my Christmas cards but I was so late getting them out, it didn't happen and then church was canceled last Sunday due to snow, blah, blah, blah.  So anyway, tomorrow from 2-10 here at the house...c'mon over.  Then Monday it is off to NYC for a few days.

I am going to try to be a more regular blogger again once the holidays are over.  I have had a big ole break from it ever since screwing up my Blog365 and though I do not plan to going back to daily blogging (too much pressure) I do want to commit to at least 3-4 days a week.  Just give me this week of vacation to regroup and recover from the holidays.

And on a final note, my church, some friends and I were able to help out a friend and her family for Christmas and though I wish the circumstances were better for her, I also want to thank was my favorite gift I got this Christmas.  A reminder of what the season is all about.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snowstorm 2009

So we have more snow out there now than we have had since about 1995,  In fact, I would venture to say that there is more snow out there now then we have had in the last five years COMBINED.  It started last night around 10:30 and we think it just now quit and we are somewhere in the range of 3-4 feet.  BIG SNOW.  And ya'll know I hate the stuff.  Well, okay, maybe not hate completely.  It's actually kind of long as I can stay inside, where it is warm and cozy and look at it through the window.  But snow doesn't really cooperate because I can't shovel the crap from in here and there is that work situation where I have to go, so until snow decides to meet my list of demands (inside, warm, cozy) we are barely on speaking terms.

But the snow did bring certain blessings.  I have been behind on Christmas and losing my mind over it.  Today was supposed to be our cantata rehearsal and tomorrow was supposed to be our Sunday school program, a combined service with the cantata and a potluck to follow.  But this morning, the rehearsal was called off and later today, church was called off for tomorrow.  So I have spent the day baking and wrapping with some cleaning thrown in for good measure.  Tomorrow, I plan to do more of the same so that by Monday, I should be right on schedule.  Brilliant.

Late this afternoon, I came to the realization that the tree had not been watered (I am begging for an artificial tree next year and by the end of this story, you will understand why).  We have one of those tree watering thing-a-ma-bobs that sticks out of the tree stand and allows you to water through this funnel thing, but I could not figure out where in the tree JJ had stuck the thing (it's a very full tree).  I finally found it and stuck my hand through the branches to move it to a more convenient location for someone who is not ten years old and the whole tree FELL OVER.  I tried to catch up, but the sucker is heavy, so down it went.  The Brit was outside attempting to find his car under the snowdrifts and I walked out onto the porch to tell him that the tree had gone ass over tit.  He came in to help me right it and then went back out as he rarely sees big snow and was determined he was going to go for a ride in it, which in no way interested me (inside, warm, cozy).  So I spent the next half hour putting ornaments back on the tree and vacuuming up pine needles, and then I realized the tree still had not been watered, which was how this whole saga began.  So I moved the watering thing-a-ma-bob to a new location and went to the kitchen to fill a pitcher.  I then started pouring the water into the funnel and was amazed at how quickly the tree was sucking down that water no matter how fast I poured it.

Then my feet got wet.  Right, did not have the watering thing-a-ma-bob actually inside of the tree stand, so floor, carpet, etc, soaked with one whole pitcher of water.  So, I cleaned that up, made sure the watering thing was stuck in the right place and started to pour a new pitcher of water into the funnel just as fast as before which caused it to overflow...briefly, thankfully as I quickly discovered the error of my ways. 

So the tree is now well as the floor and carpet.  They probably needed cleaned anyhow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pressure Pushin' Down on Me

So someone is whinging about lack 'o blog activity, so I guess I need to do an update.  I mean, it isn't like it is a busy time of year or anything

Went to NYC on Saturday and had a great time.  It was the church bus trip, so I went with Kirk and Molly from youth group and I sat with my long time friend, Laura, from Strat'sGarden fame.  The day started way early at four am for me as we had to be at the church and on the bus at five.  We stopped for breakfast and then proceeded to the city.  The kids and I went to see "Rock of Ages" which was wonderful, much to my surprise.  I had never heard of it, but Kirk had, so I wasn't sure I would like it but as it turns out, I loved it.  All eighties rock songs which was my high school era, so it was much fun.

The city was cold, but we walked all over it.  It was Molly's first time and she was simply in awe.  She is such a remarkably funny kid who has really come into her own over the last year.  She constantly amazes me with her humor (even when she doesn't know she is being funny) and her amazing vocal talent. 

Anyway, the day ended late; I did not get to bed until well after 1:00 in the morning and then got up for church at 6:20.  Were it not so close to Christmas, I would have napped that afternoon, but instead I did laundry, tidied up the house, baked two batches of cookies and one batch of what will soon be cake truffles, wrapped most of the gifts, finished the Christmas cards and cooked dinner.  I crashed hard at abotu ten that night but I at least felt like I had not allowed the day to go to waste.

Tomorrow, we plan on getting our tree and getting candy making supplies.  This weekend is filling up fast of course...Saturday morning is the cantata rehearsal at the church and that evening we are going to dinner with friends.  Sunday is the kid's Sunday school program, then a combined service with the cantata and a Christmas potluck to follow.  Monday through Wednesday is going to be finishing up...just a few small gifts to get and Thursday my vacation begins.  Christmas eve will be church again of course, as we are singing during special music...if we learn the song.  So yeah, pretty much insanity.

I am not going to run tomorrow.  I ran yesterday and then kickboxed tonight and my knees are aching like crazy, so my body is telling me to chill for now.  So, I plan on the elliptical tomorrow and maybe some kettlebell...can't forego the workout entirely.

So there is my life right now in a nutshell.  Busy, but happy, tired but satisfied.  Hope the rest of you are getting caught up too!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cannot Believe I Did It!

Today I ran for twenty minutes straight and I am still in shock.  I have been agonizing over this run for well over a week because it was such a huge jump from run eight minutes, walk five minutes, run another eight minutes.  But today I tackled it.  Now, I am dog tired now, but in my defense, Jack McFarland had us do way too many squats last nights, plus after my run today, I came home and cleaned my kitchen, and my fireplace, and did cat litter and vacuumed and dusted, etc.  So yeah, pretty tired...and my thighs are aching.  But all in all, not bad at all.  I wanted to stop running several times but pushed through it, which is what it is all about.  As with anything worth doing in life, there are moments you want to quit, but you have to keep your eyes on your goal. Now, if I had experienced any pain or real shortness of breath, I would have stopped, but that didn't happen.

Thursdays are going to start being my swimming day, so that is tomorrow's goal.  I'm not the strongest swimmer in the world, but it is probably because I don't swim very often.  It has never been a favorite thing for me to do, but again, I try to change things up so I don't get bored and my body doesn't become too acclimated to what I'm doing.

Still have stuff to do for Christmas, but got cards yesterday and now need to get on that project.  Maybe I'll start it tonight.  Also have to talk to oldest child to see what else he wants for Christmas as I came to the realization that I have to get a few karaoke CDs for my youngest who is getting a karaoke machine.  Won't do him much good without music to sing to.  Need to see if The Brit wants to go to the candy store on Friday for supplies for homemade candy, as he wants some to take into work to give as gifts, so that can be started on next week. Cookies and baked goods should be done a little closer to Christmas.

Okay need to go scope out some weather as the news was just saying something about Blizzard 2009.  Hopefully my town is not on its radar!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Turned a Corner Finally

I had a whole blog written and it zapped it away so now I'm all ticked off and don't want to blog at all.  Hmph.

My doctor gave me a Z-pack which seems to be taking care of my feeling lousy and my 'roids are getting better for the time being as well, thank God.

I was surfing today and found a girl who had WLS I have followed in the past.  What I found out was that she has gained a lot of weight back, which I find scary.  However it does remind me of the pact I made with myself that I am never going back.  NEVER.  Do I struggle?  Sure I do, especially with carbs, but thankfully, I have become a bit of an exercise fanatic so it is balancing out and allowing me to maintain right now.  AFter the holidays I want to get back down to business and try to lose a bit more, but if I don't, that's okay.  My body feels healthy and that is what matters to me.  I no longer have any desire to get hung up on a number. 

I got this quote on Twitter today that reminded me to always keep goals...."Most people give up just when theyR about 2reach success.Don't quit when UR at the 1yard line! Make that touchdown! Believe it &ACHIEVE IT!"  Absolutely.

I have Christmas fairly under control; a few more little things for the kids, and I need another gift for The Brit.  He wants a golf club which he has to pick out, but I need something for a surprise but am not sure what to get.  So that is my biggest challenge.  I'm going to hit baking hard in a week or so to give some stuff as gifts; cookies, cake truffles, maybe some sweet bread or popcorn brittle.  I love the lack of stress I am feeling this holiday season so far.  I am working out my Christmas day menu and am even a bit excited about it.  We are also going to take the kids on their first trip to NYC over the Christmas break.  Good stuff.

I am actually going to NYC this Saturday with my church on a bus trip that leaves at freakin' five in the morning, but three of us have tickets to see "Rock of Ages".  I know nothing about it other than it features eighties music, which I grew up with, but it is just exciting for me to see live theater in a big city.   

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What is Going On?

Ever since my two day bout with the flu two weeks ago, I feel like I have been battling something.  The day after Thanksgiving, my throat was ever so slightly scratchy, which as a pre-op would have meant I had a full-fledged cold coming on that would have me feeling like crap for two weeks.  But the next day, I just felt as if I had a minor head cold.  Now I feel as if I have a minor chest cold along with the sneezing which may or may not be allergies or sinus know, just that slightly bronchial feeling and a tiny bit of coughing.  I'm also tired; dog tired.  Not enough so that I cannot carry on my day as normal but by evening, my energy is non-existent.  So what is this?  Walking pneumonia?  I think I would feel worse.  I don't feel bad, just not good.

So my C25K program is suddenly making rapid jumps that are freaking me out.  I went from Monday running three five minute runs with three minute rests in between, to today running two eight minute runs with a five minute rest in between.  I was freaked about it, but managed it.  The end of the second eight minutes was rough, especially taking into consideration a rather grueling kickboxing session last night, but I persevered and got it done.  BUT FRIDAY....are you ready for this jump, because I am not so sure I am.  Five minute warm up walk and then RUN FOR TWENTY MINUTES!  WTH?  I have a HUGE mental block about this one so far and will be heading to Spark People and the C25K board for words of wisdom at getting through it.  I am SKEERED!

I still can't do any kettlebell stuff at the gym or any lifting due to my 'roid issue,which I have finally set up a doctor's appt for.  I can't take it anymore.  They don't flare up often but when they do I am miserable on and off for well over a week, plus it hinders what I can do at the gym.  So on the 14th I find out what can be done to cure what ails me.  At my last colonoscopy, my butt doc told me that he could take the things off in the office and that it was not painful.  I have my doubts but am at least willing to discuss it.  So there is my TMI update for tonight. 

So I am going to go curl up with a book or maybe do a little farming down in Farmville while I wait for 9:00 and "Glee" which only has two more episodes left till like March, which really bums me out.  If you aren't watching this show, you are missing out big time.  It is fun, funny and musical; everything I have ever loved in a television program.  It is the "Fame" series of this generation and I love it.