Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Year in Review 2009

2009 has been a bit of a tumultuous year, but it has also been a year of positive things at the same time. Not all the happenings were good and the bad was very bad, but regardless of the bad, I can't completely disregard the year because of the bad.

The worst part of 2009 was losing The Brit's mum in April. Loss is hard enough when it is expected and when those we love grow older, we start to occasionally think about losing those people. But when the loss is sudden, it tends to leave you reeling for a long time. Daphne's passing was like that. The whole thing did and at times, still does feel surreal. I didn't see her every day so often I had to remind myself she was gone. The good part about the whole thing is that she had cancer and went Home almost immediately after diagnosis, which meant she did not have a long, drawn out period of suffering with the illness if she could not be cured. Of course, sudden loss is harder on the family and I know my father-in-law especially still has a difficult time of it. The kids may have lost a parent, but he lost a life partner. It is something every couple will probably endure; the passing of a half with the other part of the whole left behind, but my guess is that until it is experienced, no one can imagine how hard it really is. I think he is doing fairly well considering and I am hopeful he will come to pay us a visit soon.

2009 was a year of renewing some old friendships/acquaintances. Shiloh and I have become friends, which I'm not sure we were before when we worked in hell. But even before her cancer diagnosis, there was a friendship in the making, which I believe is now undergoing steady growth. It was also a year of spending time with some people I had not spent much time with in awhile; Tod, Missy from high school, Ade and Chris in England, Amaya and Dave. There were also new friendships, such as Jimnotmike and Emily and Davenotfred. Good stuff and positive things as you can never have too many people in your corner when you need them.

For me personally, 2009 was a year of becoming more athletic. I walked my first 5 mile walk. I have started running. I cardio kickbox and love it. I find that as I grow in physical strength, I grow in confidence. It's still hard for me to think of being in the best shape of my life thus far at 43, yet it remains the truth. I'm still hoping to hit that size 14; I have not given up on it.
I think those are the biggest highlights of 2009. Sure, there were many little but still significant things, such a Fire Pit Frenzy Friday nights, but the biggest things to come from that were the friendships I have already mentioned. I got to spend another year with my amazing youth group, and my kids have grown a year older, as have I. I still think age is just a number and it is how we feel mentally and physically that matters...I think I am no more than 25.

Resolutions? A few. I am resolving to try harder, to be healthier, to consume cleaner things. I want to train to run a 5k. I want to try to cut out or at least cut back on my Splenda consumption and that will be a slow process. That will mean non-sweetened coffee and drinking plain water with no Crystal Lite. That will be a process. With the Crystal Lite, I can easily consume the amount of water a day I should. Without it, that will be a greater challenge. There are other little things that are escaping me right now. None are pass or fail scenarios; they are just resolutions to try harder to accomplish the things I want to accomplish. I plan to blog more and maybe even give the blog a little makeover. We'll see.

So what about you guys? What has stood out for you in 2009 and what are your plans for 2010?

Have a safe and happy New Year all!

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