Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Broken Routine

For some reason when my schedule is turned on its ear, so is my eating.  This week has been about ice, a sick kid and a traveling husband and though my eating has not been horrible it has been far from stellar.  I need to get back to tracking my points because it worked and sadly, back to cooking instead of off the cuff dinners.  We have had Subway (not awful; half a turkey sub on whole wheat) and tonight was freaking pizza (two slices).  And damn that Jimnotmike and showing me those mini Reese PB cups because I bought a pack of them but no more.I have however not had a Twizzler or orange slice in weeks!  Today my allergies were in high swing for some reason and I spent the majority of the day sneezing so my plan to run on the treadmill fell through as not even allergy meds were helping me.  I turned down two lunch invites this week because The Lawyer was sick, so there has also been minimal adult conversation this week, which I find hardest of all.  I miss conversation with friends and the husband when he is not watching television.  It has just been kind of a lonely week.  

Last night brought insomnia at 4:00 am that had me awake and that always affects food intake for me the next day.  My resistance feels down with lack of sleep.  So I am looking forward to getting back on track again.  Always a struggle and always will be I suppose as long as I am on this earth.  

Kid free weekend starting tomorrow evening and after being in kidville all week, I am more than ready.  The Genius decided to try crap on me tonight with insisting he had no schoolwork to work on when he knows that is not an option.  He has an implemented study time every night and has for months beings he enjoys getting Ds and not turning in work. So after attitude from him and me informing him he could either study or go to bed, suddenly homework materialized out of the heavens apparently.

It has just been that kind of week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear it's been lonely. The week is almost over - you are almost there!!

    I've had insomnia this week too. For me it's almost a manic thing. I can't sit still and my mind will not wind down. And when I get to sleep around 1-1:30 I wake up at 4:30. I'm waiting for the crash. I took an hour long nap tonight. Hoping I just wear myself out. Good luck with yours.
