I really hate to complain about heat. Really. I despise being cold and I am cold from October to May. As soon as Halloween is over, I literally start counting the days until spring. I hate wearing socks and coats and having to be careful to not overlook a patch of ice that I may break my neck or butt on. I hate to sit shivering in my car in the morning, while it heats up and melts the layer of frost or ice on the windshield (because it is way too cold to go out and work to scrape the ice off). I detest the tracks of dried up de-icer crystals that I continually have to mop up all winter on my hardwood floors. (Can you see what I'm doing? I'm trying to convince myself that in light of all the things I hate about winter that 100 plus degrees is not all that bad!). Anyway, it is way hot and humid...still!
But this week is finally Women of Faith in Washington DC and Shelley is going with me (YAY!). I love this conference (and this year I will have my camera!). It makes me laugh until my sides ache, sometimes it makes me cry, the speakers are all just incredible. Shell is probably a bit apprehensive. She made the remark to me to "not expect her to come back a changed person." No. She won't come back changed. I don't come back changed. Going to the conference is not suddenly going to make all my difficulties with Aaron better. It won't make me skinnier. It won't make Robyn all better from cancer. What the conference does, is that it reminds me that I am SO not alone, that I am loved, that Someone else knows my heart and problems probably even way better than I do. It brings a bit of peace to my heart and renews my strength to continue to deal with the day to day battles that make up my life. It doesn't change me; it recharges me. That is what I'm hoping it does for Shell.
So, in the news with Aaron. I have taken him off the Zyprexa. He didn't have any of it today. Now, he could just be having a good day, but today was a huge improvement over the last three months. I'm going to continue to watch it and see how he does this week without it. I asked him today how the Zyprexa makes him feel and he said "Weird." I asked him weird how; like weird sad or weird angry? He says it makes him feel angry. Hmmm...this could be a hint.
The kids are going camping with their biological great grandparents Thurs-Sunday this week, which can potentially present its own problems. We recently found out that while visiting grandma, Aaron saw and spoke to his bio-dad while bio-dad was dropping off the boy's little sister for a visit. This is a huge No No and they know it! I believe the Brit is going to be having a little chat with bio-family before this camping trip. The last thing I want to do is to take away the relationships between the boys and their grandparents, however, I will do so if it they don't follow our rules and our rules are no bio-parents. I will say that these people have some gall and it makes me really angry if they are telling Aaron not to tell us that he saw his bio-dad. That's just plain not fair to Aaron. He accepts us as his parents and anyone that does something to jeopardize that we're going to have issues with. They are OUR children. I don't give a rat's rear end who they belonged to first, they don't belong to them anymore and any visitations with any bio-family is up to our discretion. Given all the problems Aaron has been having, chat with Billy (bio-dad) is not in Aaron's best interest. The only ones who gain from this is bio-family and if something is causing mental harm to your child, what do you do? Remove the problem. This is going to be a final warning. I'm not playing this game.
So, no knitting due to extreme humidity and no central air in my house. Soon! I promise!
I hate snow, I hate snow...heat is good.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Could it BE any hotter?
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