Thursday, July 27, 2006

We all have dreams

I aspire to have a blog like CAP which has many readers and she can write an amusing entry about traffic.  The problem is that she lives in California in the Valley and I live in the little town of Hagerstown.  I was pondering this tonight when I came to the realization that here in this little town, that has done some growing up since I first arrived in 1979, we have our own special kind of stupid.  You can drive down a few given streets anytime of the day or night, in any kind of weather, and find people sitting outside, in some of the most unflattering clothing known to man.  We could be having a hail storm, and there they are, chatting up their neighbors, in skin tight clothing on a plus size figure, with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth.

We also have this little gem of a column in our local newspaper called "Mail Call/You said it".  Basically, anyone who can speak can call in to give their opinion on whatever has ticked them off for the day.  We had a lengthy discussion in Mail Call a few months ago about the meaning of the word "harangue".  Callers were giving recipes for "lemon harangue pie".  I kid you  not.  We also address big issues in this column, such as:

"I'm calling in response to the person from Smithsburg who wants to know what to do about a groundhog. Put moth balls down the hole. They won't come back."


"To the caller who says we should have year-round schools, I believe we should, too - completely year-round, every day but two days off, Thanksgiving and Christmas."

Yup.  We're solving the big issues of the world right here in Hagerstown.

VBS Update

"I've got to tell you just how proud I am of our little church.  After everything we've been through, we have put on one heck of a VBS this week!  The children have been happy and delighted, we have had so many people come forward to help us this week and it has run quite smoothly.

Happy and delighted children. 

Our interim pastor is awesome and has brought out his guitar each night to teach the kids a song.  It's right out of "The Sound of Music" I tell ya! 

In addition to the adults in our congregation that have helped out, our youth have been invaluable to us during this week.

Here's just two of our youth.  Amanda is a nut.

So, in retrospect, with only one night left, I can honestly say (and I even get a bit teary) that I am so proud of our church and now I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we did make the right decision with staying as we have been so blessed.

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