Thursday, November 30, 2006

I did NaBloPoMo and all I got.....

Was a sense of pride in knowing that with a little discipline I could indeed blog for 30 days in a row!  It is a bit of an accomplishment.  Will I continue with a daily blog?  Hard to say really.  I know that there were days when I was dog tired, and really had little of value to write about and that had I not been involved in this little venture, I would have skipped blogging that night.  Then there is also the Christmas is right around the corner thing, and I have much knitting, shopping, wrapping, baking and candy making to do.  So, the best I can say is "We'll see."

For the final night of NaBloPoMo I thought I'd give a proper introduction to each of my feline friends.  Like people. each one is unique in his or her own special way, but every bit as sweet and entertaining, and I don't know what my life would be like without them.  I also want to say that I don't know how Crazy Aunt Purl does it.  She has  a knack for getting amazing pictures of her cats, so I can only assume  that my cats are totally not photogenic, or that Purl's cats are hams for the camera, or that Purl sits around for hours on end just waiting for that pose assured that the  cat will not move before the camera is focused.  So, as I did not have hours to accomplish this, two of the pictures are old ones because one cat refused to look at me, and Alex decided to avoid the photo shoot altogether.

The matriarch of my feline family is Princess Jasmine (though we just call her Jasmine )

She looks a little drunk here, but that is normally not the case as she is quite regal.  Jazzy was the first kitty the Brit and I got together and she was a tiny little ball of fur when she came to live with us.  Her name was nearly Mrs. Poofball, but thankfully, I vetoed that idea.  Though she was free to a good home, that was where her inexpensiveness ended as two years ago, we nearly lost her due to a uterinary blockage.  Even after surgery it was touch and go for awhile, but she pulled through and made a full recovery.  Jazz is a talker, especially at night once we go to bed.  She wants to chat and make bread on us.  The odd thing about her, is that she loves to make bread on the living room pillows and she used her back feet as well, as she straddles the pillow.  I have my own theories about that, but we won't go there.

The next in line is Alex (short for Alexandra):

I got Alex when my first feline baby, Sam, was having declining health.  I knew Jasmine would miss him terribly (As would I) and I wanted her to have a friend.  Alex was a rescue from a vet's office (and this is a pattern that was bound to be repeated).  She has one of the most even tempered nature's of any cat I've ever met, but I am her human.   She loves attention, but also likes to give it in the way of kisses and head butts.  She is famous for being one of our most agile kitties as well, which says a lot as she is not a little thing.    She has a hiding place somewhere down in the basement that we have not yet been able to identify, other than to know that it is off the beaten path and she only goes there on occasion.  How do we know?  Because her snow white feet are suddenly dark gray.

The next to join the family was Jonah:

Jonah was a rescue from the SPCA and as 5 of our 6 cats, he came to us as a kitten.  Jonah is best known for being a bit of a klutz (the picture of him?  He did that himself.  We woke up to finding him this way and he is not meowing in pain, but because he wanted his breakfast) but he has this endearing personality.  He loves to knock things off the counter or dresser if he is awaiting a meal.  He is the "rub my tummy" kitty in the house as well as one of my two "Look what I caught, mom!" talkers when he is carrying a toy around in his mouth.  He is personality plus and has become a bit of a love bug in the past few months.

Hannah came to us next from the vet's office where I once worked:

She was a tiny little thing when she was dropped off at the office and very sick with vomiting and diarrhea.  She had to be dropper fed and during her stay there, I fell in love with her.  Now an adult, she is my quirkiest feline.  She has a sweet disposition, but when she feels she is not getting enough attention, she will nip you (My mother, who has thin skin hates Hannah because she has broken the skin on her twice).  She has the loudest little purr, and also likes to talk to toys when she is carrying them around.  She hates to hear anyone yell (like when I am calling one of the boys) and she comes running and talking and very upset.  Quirky at its finest. She also answers to "Hannah Banana".

Micah was another vet's office rescue:

Another little wee kitten drop off and again, as I tend to do, I fell in love with him.  We call him "Special K" which is short for "Special Kitty" because he is not so big in the brains department (Shhh..don't tell HIM that).  He has jumping issues and occasionally litter box issues, but he is a sweetheart.  He has never bitten, even in play, has the loudest purr of all the cats, and loves to sleep on my feet at night, which I love in the winter.  He is almost all black other than his bow tie and a couple of his toes (Lisa has always called him Twinkle Toes because of this).

Finally, once we thought we were finished, Grace came to stay.  You can find her complete story here:

She was our stray who decided she was going to live indoors regardless of what it took to get there, and now we wouldn't trade her for anything.  Sweet disposition, loves her family and never tries to get out (she knows when she has a good thing going).  She is the Brit's cat as she loves to stretch out beside of him in his chair when he is watching television. 

So, there you have the six kitties!  NaBloPoMo, it has been fun!  I've met a few amazing bloggers through this event that I will continue to keep up with.  I salute all of you for your success in this venture!

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