Tuesday, November 7, 2006


Today would be a day when I would generally not be blogging because Tuesday are for insanity.  They leave me dog tired right down to my bones and all I want to do is to curl up on my reclining sofa and watch "House", which starts in ten minutes incidently. 

Tuesdays are staff meeting days in the church and though I love the church staff, not much else gets accomplished on these days.  I did go in early today (Before 8:00) in order to make up some time from eye dilation Monday, so the bulletin got finished and the powerpoint started.  Then by the time staff meeting was over, it was nearly time to leave in order to meet my mother to go to THE Walmart. 

Walmart is exhausting, doubly so today due to school being out and state workers being off work for election day.  The place was packed; kids pushing carts, people stopped right smack in the middle of the aisles and due to all the commotion, I forgot stuff, which is going to have to wait until next week as there is no way I'm braving it twice in a week.  If they weren't cheaper than anyone else, I'd forgo it all together, but with three men in the house, who tend to eat a lot of food, cheap is good.

Then it was home to unpack all the goods and put them away.  No sooner was this finished then it was time to start a meal for a new mom at our church.  I took them lasagne for dinner tonight.  (Baby is adorable, btw).  Then it was on to cook a meal for the Brit and I (Kids were due back from great grandma's any moment), clean up and then it was time to take Aaron to therapy.   Yes, Tuesday kick my butt.

Beings it is Fall, I find myself worrying a lot about squirrels.  (Yes, I am insane that way).  They are so busy this time of year, storing up food to get them through the winter and the poor little things just don't have the brain power to think "Look both ways before crossing the street.".  I narrowly missed one yesterday and am so thankful I missed it, as hitting it would have resulted in tears on my part.  I cannot bear the thought of killing anything with fur (unless it is a big hairy spider and then I can't envision myself getting close enough to it to actually kill it).  So, please ya'll, I implore you.  Drive a little slower this time of year and keep an eye out for the busy little squirrels.

Saturday is knitting day and I think Robyn is coming with me this time!  YAY!  She has come through a bout with cancer, showing more bravery than I think I could ever summon up for myself.  We've been wanting her to join us for some time, but recovering from chemo and radiation takes time.  But now, if all goes well she will be joining us this weekend!

Happy election day to all!

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