1. The first thing for this Random Wednesday is that I am down 11 pounds as of this morning! The even better news about that is that I dropped below a number that relieved me to no end to drop below! I've been grinnin' all day, except when I've been crying.
2. Those of you who do not know, I am a bit of a Broadway buff. I have done a lot of community theater, and have enjoyed portraying such roles as Clairee in "Steel Magnolias", the Rev. Mother in "Nunsense" and Chiffon in "Little Shop of Horrors" along with several others. In my younger, single days, a few of my theater friends and I would journey into NYC for the day to catch both a matinee and an evening show before driving back home and often finally getting to sleep around four or five o'clock in the morning. Ah youth. But it gave me the opportunity to see such shows as "Les Miserables" (my all time favorite), "The Secret Garden", "Phantom of the Opera", "Miss Saigon", "The Good-Bye Girl", "Rent" and "Gypsy". Since getting kids, I haven't been able to either do shows or see any in NYC, not to mention that I haven't had time to listen to any soundtracks. Last night, on a whim, I downloaded "Miss Saigon" to my ipod to take into work with me today (I have the speaker things that go with my Nano). I'm not sure what was wrong with me today, but by the end of Act II, I was sitting at my desk typing and crying! I had forgotten how sad a show it is! In retrospect, I enjoyed the show when I saw it on Bway, but now, having a husband and kids, I just relate to that show completely differently and obviously the way I now relate to it makes me cry!
3. My youngest son is completely obsessed with "The Dukes of Hazzard" to the point that at times, I am ready to pull my hair out. He has a magnificent imagination and makes up such stories for me such as Bo Duke is a teacher at his school and at recess, Bo let him drive "The General". The really funny thing is that though I did not birth this child, he is so much as I was as a kid as far as his imagination goes! I was always pretending to be someone else (A mouseketeer, Sabrina from "Charlie's Angels", Trixie from "The Trixie Belden Mystery Series".) to the point of driving my own mother insane ("Mom, call me Allison. I'm not answering to my name anymore.")
4. I have just signed up at my Curves for a "Biggest Loser" contest. I have no idea what the rules are or what is entailed, but I did sign up today. My goal is to win
5. So, who is watching "American Idol"? I admit to being a huge junkie and I live to watch the judges interact or generally just for Simon to flash one of those gorgeous grins of his. Yes, he is terribly abrupt but I usually agree with what he has to say. As far as the guys go, and they were much improved last night, my votes go to Phil, Chris, Chris, and Blake. The girls, who we'll see tonight, but based on last week, I like Melinda, Jordan and Lakisha. Who do ya'll pick?