Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Consult Scheduled.....check!

So today the surgeon's office called to schedule our consults.  November 5th.  Woot!

Tonight was Weight Watchers.  The Brit was running a little late, in a meeting, so I arrived first and went inside.  Several years ago, I went to this same WW for a few months and as soon as I walked in, the smell hit me.  I don't know what it was, but I remembered it and maybe it is what diet failure smells like, I don't know (at least for me.  I know others very much succeed on this program).  My heart immediately started to beat faster as I was met in the door by thin woman who led me to the forms I needed to fill out for the Brit and myself.  I immediately didn't like her, because below her name tag it said "I lost 24 pounds in 1998."  Now, I know that extra weight is extra weight and to someone 24 pounds overweight, that was a big deal.  But in the face of that smell and my rapidly beating heart, my only thoughts were that (as Robyn said) "24 pounds?  Honey, I can GAIN that in a weekend!"  Obviously, with the amount of weight I want to lose, I have a problem relating to someone who was 24 pounds overweight, who lost it and has kept it off for nearly ten years.  Honestly, Leader Lady, that is wonderful, but I'm facing surgery to get rid of my weight issue that is so far over 24 pounds....nevermind.  I was feeling cynical when I walked in the door and the feeling continued and we'll leave it at that.

So, I filled out my paperwork and another lady gave me my little books and things and then said the dreaded "You can step on scale" words.  The way it works now is that when you get on the scale, you cannot see your numbers; only the chick behind the counter can, which is nice for privacy if there are other members around.  So, I get on the scale and chick behind the counter says, and I kid you not, "YOU DID PUT YOUR HANDBAG DOWN, RIGHT?"  Nope, skinny lady, I have it around my freakin' neck, along with my kitchen sink which is neatly tucked inside of it.  Though it isn't very Christian-like, I had the urge to smack her.

The meeting wasn't terrible.  The people were nice enough.  The fact of the matter is that Miss 24 pounds was not telling me anything I didn't already know or hadn't heart a kabillion times before.  Obviously, I didn't tell anyone that I was there for an insurance requirement to have RNY surgery, but I would actually like to give it my best shot of losing 10% of my weight.  That will not only shrink my liver for surgery, but also help to put me in the best possible health for surgery which will help make recovery faster and hopefully with no complications.  If I have to be there and do this, I'd may as well do the best I can to make it a positive thing...despite Ms 24 pounds and the handbag lady.

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