Saturday, March 14, 2009

Over it already

Can I tell you how sick to death I am about hearing about Nadya Suleman?

Dr. Phil is beating this dead horse to death!  I didn't have much opinion to begin with, other than whether or not the babies were going to get proper care.  The rest of it just didn't feel like my business.  All the controversy about "should she have done another IVF?" and "Should that doctor have implanted six embryos?" was water under the bridge. She did and he did and it cannot be undone, so leave it be already!  I'm glad the babies are going to be well taken care of by the looks of things, but can we shut up about it already?

Our house is currently full of projects.  We are planning on painting JJ's room tomorrow, after church and grocery store.  I rubbed down and polyed one of my Cracker Barrel rocking chairs today that are about 8 years old and I still have one more to do.  Spring cleaning is still well under way, though I have taken a little break from it in order to recooperate a bit more from my surgery (today discomfort is in my lower left back.  What on earth?) to try to get to that 100% I'm working towards for myself.

I have also decided (Brit, pay attention) that for mother's day this year I want to go to "If the Shoe Fits" in Frederick and find a pair of beginner running shoes.  I think I have found the right sports bra here.  I really, really want to give running a go.  It's important to me.  Something about trying to do the things that were a year ago, impossible, is an incredible thing to me.  It's exciting.

Okay, on with the weekend!  Hope ya'll are having a good one!


  1. Tracey Knight-SimaneMarch 14, 2009 at 6:18 PM

    Just to throw this out their, could you have a kidney stone?

  2. Wow - I totally understand how you feel - and I hope that the Brit has paid attention! You deserve the shoes and the fun and adventure that they will provide. :-)

  3. Hey there, stumbled across your blog from the web. Running is awesome! For a couple decades, I stayed away from running like it was the devil. Is eriously started it last month when my weight loss just kind of stalled. I am doing High Intensity Interval Training and it kickstarted the weightloss again. Try that ebfore long distance running. Because, to burn the same amount of calories as maybe an hour of running, you only need to do 20-30 minutes of HIIT. Sprint for a little while, then walk, sprint, then walk ... Try it and good luck!!!
