Friday, March 6, 2009

Q&A Friday

Thanks to Susan, we have a Q&A today.  We are getting ready to leave on an overnight trip to Lancaster, so I'm trying to do this quickly.

And very briefly, Kim's hubby, John, had his WLS yesterday and is doing great!  Check out her blog for pictures and details!

Susan asked:

Kim, We're you always very involved with your church even when you were young? You mentioned you moved a lot so I'm wondering if you had the time to meet and connect with church?

Susan, I grew up in California and went to a private Lutheran school and the accompanying church up until when we moved to Maryland in the 5th grade, so I have always been a Lutheran.  When we moved to Maryland, we church hopped for awhile, trying to find a fit, but nothing really felt right to me. 

In high school, I met a girl (PM if any of you remember that post from a few Christmases ago.  We aren't friends anymore) who urged me to come to her church, which was Lutheran.  So, I started walking to her church on Sundays and loved it.  Eventually, I joined their youth group and about a year later, my parents followed and joined.  We've been there ever since.  I had a period of maybe 8-10 years when I didn't attend at all, but after my father died, I returned and have been there ever since. 

That's all I have time for today as I need to go help load up the car.  Keep the questions coming!  Maybe I am too much of an open book and tell you all too much voluntarily as you have no questions!

Have a great weekend, peeps!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out - John is doing amazingly well. I'm so thrilled that we finally have our second Cut & Paste Guy!
