Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Funny

Today, they made me go look at cars at Beaulieu.  Now I can respect that there are women out there who are enthralled with cars throughout history.  I get that.  However, I am not one of them.  It would be the equivalent of me taking The Brit to a yarn shop and oohing and aahing over different colors, textures and worsted weights.  He would simply not get it and that is okay with me.  On the other hand, I don't get the male fascination with cars; it is just one of the those male/female differences. 

So I enjoyed the first part of the day to the very best of my ability.  The second part though we did get to visit the abbey, the Palace House and the gardens, all of which were lovely.  We then drove the kids to Stonehenge so they could see it and then onto a pub for dinner.

JJ must have been under the impression we were going some place else as this conversation happened in the car...

JJ: Are we at dolphins yet?

Me: What?

JJ: dolphins.  Are we at dolphins yet?

The Brit: Dolphins?  What are you talking about?

JJ:  You know, dolphins!  Where granddad was born!

Aaron:  JJ, you mean Wales.

Tomorrow is our final day here and we will be doing laundry and packing and I still need to pick up one thing for someone back home.  My mind is already making up lists of what I need to do when I get home, what I need to pack for the mission trip (still cannot believe I am off again on Sunday!) and the things I want to do once my life settles down again.

And you know what else I have discovered today?  I am sick and tired of food and eating.  I'm not even enjoying it much at the moment.  I have eaten more in the last three weeks than I have eaten in a year.  Okay, slight exaggeration, but it feels that way.  I have had a few meals here that were fabulous and that I truly enjoyed.  But when you are on the go all the time, especially with male children, you have to manage three meals a day.  At home, they can fix themselves a sandwich and if I'm not hungry, I'll just grab something when I am.  When you are traveling and sight seeing it is more complicated. 

Thankfully, all my clothes still fit and nothing is tight or uncomfortable, but I am not going to weigh myself until three weeks after being home.  Let me have the same amount of time I have had here, to get myself back in proper eating/exercising order before I see where I stand. 

Bloggy friends, I will catch up with you though it may not be till after July 3rd.  I will also continue with my England exploits after that date as well.  Days are suddenly numbered and things are getting busy again in a different way.  I have to get home and get myself over any jet lag in three days.  I am also back at work the day after we fly home, then need to have myself mentally ready for five days of mission work.

I'm ready for my plate to not be more ways than one.

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