Friday, June 5, 2009

Ugly Weather; Lovely Day

I was wide awake this morning at 6:30...gotta love jetlag.  I was awake and alert and locked in The Brit's room next door to his dad and locked out of my FIL's house due to the early morning.  I lied awake til a bit after 7:00 and then decided to doze for a bit until The Brit woke up.  The next thing I knew, it was nearly 10:00! 

After breakfast of spice bread (damn English bread!) we headed out to Winchester to see King Arthur's Round Table and the cathedral. I had seen the Round Table before but it is still very impressive:

The Cathedral though is magnificent for lack of a better word.  We have two cameras with us and some better photos are on the other camera so they will come later, but for now...

There are so many beautiful details to the cathedral and hopefully we captured some of them on the other camera.  Aaron loved it as he loves history and JJ was all freaked out as people are buried down in the crypt.  Even stood over the place where Jane Austin was buried (photos on other camera of course!). 

Not sure yet what tomorrow holds, but you will have a full report on it!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Love the photos, especially the Round Table one! I'm happy to know you're all well and enjoying the trip! And eager to see the other pictures!
