Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Insanely Busy Day

Today was just one thing to do on top of another.  Absolute insanity.  Tons to do at work and lots of people in today.  Then I left there to go grocery shopping, then home to unload it all, cut up fruit, get dinner ready, do dishes, start laundry, vacuum up and down, water flowers and clean the bathroom.  Then off to kickboxing, home for dinner, clean up dinner, switch laundry loads. 
The day is finally almost over and there is still blogging to do.

My cat, Hannah, has this funny thing she does where she has this one toy which is a long fabricy thing.  She loves to walk around the house with this in her mouth and talk to it...LOUDLY.  Meo-ow...me-ow.  You get the picture.  Another cat, Jonah, does this occasionally at night and he is a little quieter about it.  Well, five minutes ago, Hannah was having one of her talking to the toy and dragging it around the house episodes and making me laugh (as I adore my cats and am always amused by their antics), when down the stairs comes Jonah with a toy in his mouth talking to it!  It was like he heard Hannah playing a game and wanted to come play too.  Cracked me up!

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