Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Woosh or Swoosh or whatever they are called?

I had to leave kickboxing tonight about twenty minutes early.

I had another day of just not wanting to eat much.  Just a combination of not feeling hungry and being busy.  I had my coffee this morning and ate a bowl of fruit for breakfast.  With no interesting leftovers in the fridge, I grabbed a rather unappetizing frozen diet dinner and took it with me to work.  When I heated it up it had all of like six tiny bites of chicken and some white rice.  I try to steer clear of white rice unless sushi is involved, so I ate just a little rice with the chicken rations.  Then it was off to a nail appointment followed by a Walmart shopping excursion.  Then home to put it all away, put finishing touches on dinner, fold a load of clothes, cut up fruit, make a sugar free pudding pie, and vacuum and then I had an hour before having to leave for kickboxing, which I used to paint my toenails and catch up on email.

Totally meant to eat something.  So didn't.  I felt great at the start of Jack's class, but by the halfway point, I felt absolutely drained of energy to the point I felt shaky.  I usually attack his class with a vengeance and give it all I have, but tonight I kept trying to and I kept forgetting what combination came next.  I felt foggy and disoriented but still attempted it until 7:15, when I just had to quit.  I was shaking and sweating bullets and had a fear of the YMCA having to call an ambulance after I hit the floor of the gym.  I barely remember leaving.

Felt better once I ate dinner.  So, not sure if it is a low blood sugar thing or what.  It has happened to me before after eating normally during the day.  It just feels like my blood sugar plummets out of nowhere and my hands start shaking, etc.  Eating or drinking something usually helps but it is an odd feeling when it is happening.  Tonight in class I must have looked like a chick who decided to get her drunk on and then try kickboxing.



  1. Wait... so... your plan was to paint your toenails and then go to kickboxing? hahahaha! That just seems hilarious to me! Totally girly-ness following by some simulated fighting. And wouldn't the sneakers mess up the polish??


    The swoosh. The dreaded, unexpected swoosh. How I hate thee.

  2. do you read melting mama's blog? she has swooshes (hypoglycemia) maybe you can get some info from her on it.
