Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday 13: The Overachiever Edition

This is me today because my children are going away for the weekend.� I love them, ya'll know that, but what most parents won't tell you, imho, is that time away from them is also cherished time.� Time to just be an adult and not a parent.� Time to hang with friends without interruptions.� Sheer bliss.� The Teenager,�who shall now be known as The Genius, as he knows everything....just ask him, is off school tomorrow because of the seniors graduating, so he is leaving this afternoon for grandma's house.� Little Brother, who shall now be known as The Lawyer, due to his new ability to argue about every little tiny thing he is asked to do, does have school tomorrow but is then going to great-grandma's right afterwards.� As adults, we shall be going to one of my youth's grad party Friday night, sleeping in Saturday, followed by breakfast and hopefully something fun and then to dinner with friends Saturday night.� I am a happy girl!

So, the answer to Thursday 13 came to me last night when I sat down to sweat on the couch (humidity has been really high for as early as it is!) and was surrounded by all the stuff I have every intention of reading that has been sitting there for quite some least most of it.� Drawing from memory, here are some but not all of the materials surrounding my spot in the living room:


  1. "No Need for Speed" John Bingham

  2. "Who Do I Lean On?" Neta Jackson

  3. "A Change of Altitude" Anita Shreve

  4. Current Runner's World magazine I am still working on completing

  5. "Master Your Metabolism" Jillian Michaels (I started this 14 months still on chapter one)

  6. "Master Your Metabolism Cookbook" Jillian Michaels...fresh out of the library

  7. "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution"

  8. "Change of Heart" Jodi Picoult

  9. "Glimpses of Heaven" Trudy Harris (working on this one for Sunday school lessons for my teens)

  10. Current Health magazine (almost finished that one)

  11. A health periodical that our area gives out for free quarterly.� I have gotten them at the running store and this one at the YMCA.� Usually some good information in them.

  12. "Writing Fiction for Dummies" I still have other dreams I have not realized.

  13. "Once a Runner" by John L. Parker

Whew.� Lots of books and so little time, so you get a bonus...13 reasons why I have this seemingly immovable stack of reading material!

  1. Kids.� Love them but constant interruptions

  2. "Criminal Minds" I have developed a recent addiction of this show and have about 60 eps DVR'd.

  3. Little pink laptop.� 'Nuff said.

  4. "Mom, can you log me on?"

  5. Never ending mounds of laundry

  6. Solitaire on my iTouch.

  7. Stupid soap opera I still watch

  8. Cooking dinner

  9. Packing lunches (will soon not be a distraction for a few weeks)

  10. Scooping cat litter

  11. Cats.� They need lovin's too.

  12. "Mom?"� "Mom?" "Mom?"

  13. Cleaning and vacuuming.

Wanna play Thursday 13?� You can do so here!


  1. Two great lists! Love the cat pic - and 'cats need lovin's too! ;)

    Such a lovely post! Love it! Thank you for taking the time to do all this!

    Here's my T13 - I hope you can drop by, I'd love to see you there!


  2. Leave the Jodi Piccoult for last, unfortunately it wasn't anywhere near her best.

  3. Mom? Mom? where have I heard that one before? I think if iever they can't find me some day, it will be because I am lost under a mountain of laundry.

  4. ah the cries of "Mom!" and how they interfere with the best laid plans or the longest to-do list


  5. two great lists :)

    thanks for the smiles

    Mush 13
