Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Puberty, Take II

Anyone who knows me, knows I adore Facebook.� It was the reason I had the blessing of being able to have dinner with my two childhood friends when I was in California and the reason I still have connections with many of my old theater friends as well as my current friends.� The Brit has a Facebook as well as does The Genius.� So, you can imagine that The Lawyer has been begging for one for a long time if for no other reason but to play Farmville.� He is his mother's son, after all.

We finally struck a deal with him;�we would discuss�a Facebook summer of 2011 if he did well in school and got his reading up to grade level.� He seemed pleased with the challenge, though we are constantly butting heads with him over the reading.� He HATES it...and nothing I have tried has worked.� I have offered to buy him anything he would possibly be interested in reading but he insists he is interested in none of it.� Of course, I keep trying and just this weekend, bought him three books at Goodwill that seemed like they might hold interest for him.

So today, I was accepting a page suggestion on Facebook and for those of you not in the know, Facebook will make suggestions of people you may know and may want to become friends with.� This is a great feature as those people are not actually asking to be your friends, but it has helped me locate people I may not have otherwise thought to look for.

Well, today, one of the people Facebook thinks I may know is The Lawyer.

Yup, he elected to set himself up a Facebook page on or about the 19th of this month.� He thinks he is so clever and I am looking forward to informing him after school today that he is not. Thankfully, he joined the group on Facebook "Grenade Free America"...as it is all the rage right now.

So, he will lose his ipod and laptop until The Brit gets home at least and is grounded until then as well.� I� called The Brit in Denver to discuss and this is what we decided upon for now.� It must inevitable; our sweet, adorable boys eventually hit puberty and become sneaky and manipulative and test boundaries.�

But boundaries were so much easier when he was five.


  1. Heck, it must be hard being a parent in this day and age. The only thing my parents had to worry about me joining was The Klan. I mean, I did grow up in Thurmont after all. I can't even imagine how people do it, with cell phones and iPods and laptops and the internet. I think if I got a child(and lets face it, I'd have to buy it cause I sure as heck ain't willing to do what it would take to father one), I would have to erase all technology from the house. Maybe even go back to having a land line phone. GASP!

  2. Sounds like the Lawyer is turning into the Genius II...Apparently not aware of how Facebook works...wish I had been there to see the look on his face.
