Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Blog 365

So, since I had such great success with NaBloPoMo this year, (insert sarcastic eye rolling here) I thought I'd sign up to do it 365 days in 2008.  I mean, if I can't make 31 days, surely I can make 365, right?  Whatever.  I'm going to have to give Robyn a crash course in godaddy so that she can update me during my surgery days and she has thankfully agreed to do so.  So at least that is three days covered in 2008

The holidays are now over and I breath a sigh of relief.  Though I enjoy them, by New Year's Day, I am ready for the kidlets to go back to school and am tired of vacuuming up pine needles from the tree.  It probably goes hand in hand with my obsession with cleaning and things being tidy, but there you have it.  

Christmas was nice though and the kids were pleasantly surprised with their gifts.  Among the favorites were the guinea pig, the ipod and the plasma car.  Their bio-grandparents saw them minimally as we're just tired of them pushing the envelope about their real last names and their sperm donor, aka bio-dad.  Play by my rules or don't play at all.   I want to nurture that relationship between the grandparents and the kids, however, not at the expense of my children being shoved from pillar to post and pressured into remembering what their bio last names were.  Ya know what?  Who the hell cares?  It's not their last name anymore and that is the only piece of it that anyone needs to remember. 

<end vent>

So tomorrow it is back to work for me, dealing with the church lady, who is driving me crazy.  I'm feeling very anxious this month with insurance submittal so close at hand.  My fear is that they will deny me for some reason and then of course, I will appeal.  I just don't want the prolonging of it due to an appeal. 

I've also decided to back away from a few things for a bit that are causing me some angst.  Sometimes I can be super sensitive, I know that, but then there are times when I feel hurt by something I suspect and maybe that is wrong, but it is still the way it is.  So it is time to take a step back and review the situation and then decide where to go from there.

We'll see how it all pans out.

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