Friday, March 28, 2008

An Open Letter to the Male Population

Ya'll know that as women, we love you.  Truly, we do, despite the fact that we are as different as night and day.  However, I think that for the most part, we can easily see past the differences and we find a peaceful place to exist together, the way God planned for it to be.

There are certain tasks that fall onto each one of us.  You, the guys, are in many ways, the providers.  You handle the finances, keep a roof over our heads etc.  We are the gatherers.  We gather laundry, groceries, children, etc.  All in all, it is a relatively good balance.

There are a few things that God saw fit to do with the female of the species, which doesn't make too many men want to be us.  We give birth.  Though I have not experienced this personally, it is still something many women do.  In order to do that, women also have a time of the month when it all gets a bit screwey; we get moody, bitchy, snappy, whatever you want to call it.  These things can generally happen for no reason whatsoever and it isn't that we WANT to be short tempered, it's just a fact of life.  It's nothing we have asked for, but is simply how we were created.  We have these hormones that rage wildly for about ten days a month, though sometimes not consistantly.

We know that the male of the species cannot begin to understand what this feels like as they have never experienced it.  In many ways, we women don't completely understand it but it is just one of those things that happen to us, much against our will.  There are even times when we will realize we are being moody or bitchy or whatever your word of choice is, but at the same time we feel powerless to stop it.

While we apologize for all that, please understand that it does not help us in any way for you to point it out to us that we are being bitchy.  In fact, it is one of the few things you can actually do to help us feel bitchier.  Nothing worse than knowing our hormones are raging, we are being difficult and then have it pointed out to us by members of the opposite sex who have never experienced this wonderful time of the month nor have any idea of how out of control it can feel.  It is also bad to assume that just because we are grouchy, it is "that time of the month".  C'mon guys, ya'll get grumpy and that isn't your excuse, so why does it have to be ours?  If a guy is grouchy, he's stressed.  If a gal is grouchy, she's pmsing.  It's a horrible double standard.

All we ask is that you have some patience and know that you cannot possibly understand what these moods swings feel like.  We are not oblivious of them; we know they are happening and often despite our best efforts, there is just no stopping them.  Understanding is good, or at least pretend to be understanding.  Do not do what this guy did:

My Husband, not happy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be able to monitor my moods.

When I'm in a good mood it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood it leaves a big friggen red mark on his forehead.

Maybe next time he will buy me a diamond.

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