Saturday, September 6, 2008

Boring Saturday

The Brit has had some big implementation at work the last few days, which translates into he isn't home much.  He went in today and took Aaron with him at around 9:00 and by 3:00, I was climbing the walls out of boredom.

Hanna hit here, which essentially means we had lots of rain today and that cauesd interference with our satellite.  Rain also meant that JJ could not go out to play and that Lilah across the road would not be coming out to play.  So, for six hours, I had a Q&A with an eight year old that about made me insane.  If he was a super hero, he would be Question Boy and he would save the world by making all the bad guys want to jump off cliffs just to hear some silence.

I have no problem amusing myself as I love to read or write or knit, but all these things require concentration and it is hard to concentrate during a Q&A.  So, we finally drove into The Brit's place of business so we could hang out there with his team while they...implemented until after 6:00 and then we went to dinner.

So not a real eventful day.  Rather dull.  I did manage to color my hair this morning, oh and guess what?  I bought this little sweater thing at Lane Bryant this week in a size 18-20 (Pre-op, I was a size 28 in everything) and I tried it on today to amuse myself and the damn thing fit.  Awesome.

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