Saturday, September 27, 2008

May I Return....

So tonight we went to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" at the Apollo.  They did an amazing job and it was so much fun to see four of my friends in the show and another working backstage! 

However, it made me realize one thing.

I really miss doing live theater.

Auditions for the musical "A Christmas Carol" are next weekend and in talking to Mandy, she said the director wants about 50 people in the cast, both adults and kids.  JJ may have an interest since his buddy, Delaney is going to do the show.  I just need a blessing from The Brit to do it.  I think it runs two weekends and if I remember correctly, The Apollo breaks the rehearsal schedule down so that not everyone has to be there every night, but that could vary per director. 

I would never want to go back to doing back to back shows like I used to do and those shows ran eight weeks.  But two weekends, a show here and there?  I would love it.  "A Christmas Carol" would give me a gentle easing back into it as it has been six years since I've been on stage (or maybe 7).  It is about a twenty minute drive to get there as it is in WV, but I don't see myself ever doing theater in my town again (I am not a fan of the two theater companies here, though I have done shows with both groups in the past.)  We'll check The Brit's mood tomorrow and maybe discuss it.  Reheasal nights could be a bit crazy, but doable.

Still reeling a little from our break in, but neighbors have given us some information and they also spoke with the police.  We have a very possible lead on who it was but we have to wait for a detective to be assiged to the case. 

I miss theater...and my camera.

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