Friday, September 26, 2008


So I got home today after going to the Y and I immediately went upstairs to run a vacuum cleaner.  When I plugged it in I noticed that there was a sponge in the toilet that had fallen out of the cupboard above the toilet, but the cupboard wasn't opened.  I shrugged it off as one of those things and vacuumed JJ's room, the bathroom and the hallway.  As I pushed the vacuum into the walk-in closet, I frowned.  Some things had been knocked over; like a suitcase, and a few things were just slightly out of place, but as I have six cats, I figured they had simply gotten into one of their kitty crazies and I continued to vacuum.  As I vacuumed my room, I noticed the pillows on our bed were out of place, so I called The Brit at work to ask him if he had come home in the middle of the day today.  He had not.  I again shrugged it off as the cats.  But as I looked again, more seemed strange.  We have a cedar chest in our room and stuff was askew on it (again, could be cats having one helluva party). 

Tidying up the dresser, I picked up about six pennies that The Brit had taken out of his pocket the night before and opened my closet door.  To the right, just inside my closet, we keep a Honey Brown beer pail which we throw all our loose change into.  I never have to look as I know right where it is, so I tossed the pennies to it.

And they all landed on the floor.

The bucket was gone. Okay, that absolves the cats.  I opened up The Brit's closet to see if maybe he had moved the bucket for some strange reason and what I found was that all his clothes had been moved to one side of the rack.  He never does that.  Turning around, I notice that two of our dresser drawers were not firmly closed because clothing was caught in them.  I never do that. 

I was soon on the phone calling 911 and waiting for a police officer.  While we waited (Aaron had arrived home by this time) we discovered that they had stolen my beloved (and rather expensive) Canon EOS 30D camera, my guitar, a video camera, a handful of DVDS, our two boxes of checks from the desk, prescription meds from the medicine cabinet and the change out of the computer room as well.  They had gotten in through a window one of the boys had forgotten to lock the day before. 

I was livid over the whole thing.  I called The Brit and he came right home after calling the bank to freeze our accounts for a few days.  We do have a lead that I'm not going to discuss here right now and I have also already called all the pawn shops to give information on the electronics and the guitar (thank heavens for saved boxes!).

I'll let you know how it all turns out.  I will just never understand how anyone thinks it is okay to take something that doesn't belong to them.  We work as hard as the next guy and no one has that right.

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