Thursday, October 9, 2008


So Blogger
Through Thick N Thin gave me a lovely award (I really need to know her name...but Deb is sticking out in my head.  Am I right??) and as my earlier post today was all full of piss and vinegar (and to an extent I still am full of that but am trying not to think about it) I thought I'd pass this along.  "Deb", if that is indeed your name, thank you!

The Kreative Blogger Award requires that you list 6 things that make you happy and pass it on to 6 other bloggers.  So, for me:

1. My faith
2. My family
3. My cats
4. My wonderful, incredible friends.  I have no idea where I would be without them.
5. My husband, even when he is in a bad mood.
6. The ocean and all nature, but especially the ocean, which I cherish beyond words.

I award this to the following bloggers:

1. Kim

2. Laura

3. Jil

4. Meg

5. Lacy

6. She's a Rebel

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