Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Skinny on My Exercise

So one of the bloggers I read started a Yahoo Group for WLS folks and one of the gals tonight was asking how to get herself motivated to exercise.  So, I thought I would share with you what I shared with her in the hopes of maybe helping someone out or inspiring someone maybe.  Besides, it is way better and more productive than moaning about this upcoming party on Saturday

So, here is what I shared in my email:

The exercise thing I think I finally have down now, so I'll share with you what worked for me.  I joined the YMCA back in August because I knew that if it was up to me to do the exercise at home or by walking outside, it would never happen.  At home, I simply have too many distractions.  I could started exercising and start thinking "Oh, the floor needs mopped.  I need to dust." ect.  You get the picture.  As someone who never enjoyed exercise, if I could come up with a reason not to do it, I was all about that shit!
The YMCA presented it's own challenges and knowing myself, I set up a few basic rules and I MADE MYSELF STICK TO THEM.  Fact is, there is no one who can do this for us and I went into this surgery deciding that I was going to give it all I could.  I wanted to play by the rules and it give it my all.  I didn't want having my insides rearranged to be just one more failed "diet."
So, the rules that have been working for me are:
1. I work out five days a week.  No exceptions (other than illness).  I generally do Monday through Friday, so if I miss a weekday, I have to be in there on a weekend and that is great inspiration for me because I want my weekends off!
2. 95% of the time, I go work out right after work.  This is again, because I know me.  If I go home in between, the chances of me going back out again are slim to none.  This could also work for you if you went right before work, but that isn't an option for me with two kids to get off to school in the mornings.  The only time that routine changes is if I have a doctor's appointment or something after work and in that case, I MAKE myself go in the evening.  If I don't, I am in there on a weekend and I don't want that.
3. I alternate working the circuit; upper body one day and lower body the other day.  All five days I end with 40 minutes of cardio (I am working up to 60 minutes but it is a process!).  Some folks prefer to start with their cardio, but as sweating is not something I really cherish, once I am all hot and gross, I want to leave and go home.  That's just me.  The other thing I always try to do is to challenge myself weekly.  Whether it be by increasing resistance on a machine or on the treadmill or elliptical or doing more reps, or whatever.  And it doesn't have to be big.  I am slowly working my way to 60 minutes of cardio and I sometimes increase it by two minutes a week.  I also switch it up; 20 minutes on one cardio machine, 20 on another or whatever.  It keeps me from getting bored.
Those are my basic rules but #1 is the greatest of them.  I treat going to the gym like I simply have no choice in the matter, because if I give myself a choice, I won't want to do it. 
Now for the good stuff.  I do not enjoy exercise, but what I have found that I enjoy is the feeling of accomplishment when it is over, knowing I have not cut any corners.  I love the fact that I am changing my body.  I started my WLS experience at 315 pounds in April.  Six months later, I am down 82 pounds and still have 73 to go, but I can see and feel definite changes in my body because of working out and I love that.  I don't have all the overhang around my bra anymore.  My body is developing curves (I have never had any desire to be as thin as a rail...I prefer healthy and curvey).  My energy level is now incredible.  I sleep so much better and wake up feeling rested.  Overall, I feel like a different person.
Is exercising hard?  Hell yeah, but I find it very worth it.

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