Friday, October 31, 2008

One! Just.... Milky Way miniature...ONE....and I am sitting here feeling like the thing from Alien is going to come bursting out of my stomach.  Ugh!  Always err on the side of caution, dear WLS friends, because as good as that ONE little tiny candy bar tasted, it was way not worth feeling how I am feeling right now.  I'm assuming I will not toss my cookies, as that has never happened, but damn, am I wishing I would just to feel better.

I am dog tired tonight.  Insanely busy day.  Worked, worked out, went to grocery store for a few items, came home and did dishes, then raked and bagged all the leaves out front, then cleaned the bathroom, then vacuumed up and downstairs, started laundry, started dinner and then started handing out candy to little kids saying "Trick or Treat!" And currently dumping...a pretty well rounded day, I'd say.

You know what I don't get?  We have a couple of neighbors who are pretty religious.  Now, I consider myself "pretty religious" too.  Jesus and I are pretty tight and my faith is a big part of who I am.  But I don't get the Christians who refuse to take part in Halloween.  Yeah, I get that it started out as a pagan holiday, but c'mon.  The little tykes who are all dressed up in costume are so freaking adorable and it's a fun time for them.  They don't get the whole pagan thing or any of that; they just want to dress up in pretty or scary costumes and parade around their neighborhoods and get some candy.  I'm sorry, but I fail to see the harm in that.

I also don't get the people who DRIVE their kids around to different neighborhoods looking for participating houses.  Walk it, honey, or keep on walking past my house.  We never did that as kids.  We did trick or treat in our own neighborhoods.  Does Halloween hopping prepare kids for bar hopping when they get older?  I just don't get it. 

I sat outside with the candy bowl for awhile but it got too chilly for me (and yes, Susan, I am wearing the hoodie!).  Now I am quite ready for pjs and a good book and as I have not had a kid in about 15 minutes, I'm thinking the porch light needs to be turned off and we'll call it a Halloween (it goes till 8:30, so there are technically still 27 minutes left). 

But in the meantime, I am still feeling a wee bit like this:

Happy Halloween, internets.

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