Saturday, November 1, 2008

Christmas Wish List

The Brit is always asking me about this time of year "What do you want for Christmas?", so in light of that upcoming conversation, I am starting a little wish list on September 7th to post November 1st (when you all will be reading it).  Usually, when he asks me this question, I have no suggestions, so this way, when I see something I like and would not purchase for myself, I can post it here and as he always reads the blog, he can pick and chose what he wants or none of them at all if he has other ideas.

Now, if I could just get him to do the same for me....

1. When Robyn and I were at Union Station in July, I ran across this:

This is from The Body Shop, though Amazon also sells it.  It was pricey for me and I couldn't bring myself to spend the $20 for a large container, but the sample....oh my!  It smelled wonderful and made my hands so incredibly soft!  Besides, though I hate eating coconut, it is one of my favorite scents.

2.  I love jewelry and it doesn't have to be diamonds or any other expensive precious jewel.  One of my favorite places to buy jewelry is Route 5 in Chambersburg.  There is no specific piece of jewelry there I am currently eyeing and they have way more items than what is on their website.  This is the store where I bought my "Embrace the Moment" necklace and my little horse earrings I adore.  They just have some amazing things and I also really like this:

My earrings are anything but organized.

I recently ran across a website called The Happy Woman and they have some lovely items just for us gals.  I don't know what it is about women that make them want to wear their beliefs on their sleeves or in this neck, on my neck, but I love this: 

Anyway, girls, they have some great stuff, so be sure to check them out!

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