Monday, November 3, 2008

On the Eve of Election Day 2008

I am about as non-political as you can get.  I know tidbits about each candidate and have done a wee bit of reading on both candidates.  I am registered Republican; yes, I voted for Bush and even liked him the first year or so before he started to turn my stomach.

This year I am going to vote against my party and vote for Obama.  My reasons are probably a little bit naive, but that's how I roll as I have no desire to submerge myself into the political abyss.  I'm not all that sure of either candidate, but I am very sure of one thing.  One thing has cinched my vote in this election.

Sarah Palin.

I don't like her.  And I'm sorry to say that McCain is old and my fear is that under the stress of being in office something will happen to him and Palin will be running the country.  That's a pill I don't want to swallow.

When it comes to being a Christian, I am way more liberal than some.  I don't believe homosexuals are condemned to hell and I don't think the choice of abortion should be taken away.  Now, before anyone shuts down my page, let me explain.  I have to rank myself as pro-choice, though I am not always comfortable there.  I hate that women use abortion as a means of birth control.  Think about it.  I'm an adoptive parent.  If the biological mother of my boys had aborted them, they would not be in my life, so I have a vested interest in pro-life.

However, with that being said, I have told you all before that when I lived in New York, I was almost raped.  No matter how much I may want a child, if I was raped and wound up pregnant, I don't know if I could carry that baby for nine months, even to give it up for adoption.  To awaken everyday with a reminder of my pain and my shame.  No woman should have to endure that if she chooses not to.

Yeah, I know you all are saying that if Roe vs Wade were overturned it would exclude those women.  Okay, how does one prove it?  There are thousands of unreported rapes that happen for whatever reason.  Then you have the women who would be using abortion as birth control saying they were raped even if they weren't.  There is no easy solution.

If Roe vs Wade was overturned, we then go back to women going to butcher shops essentially if they want to get rid of a baby.  C'mon, drugs are illegal but anyone can still get them if they know where to look and the same would be true of abortions.  So then we have teenage girls getting their bodies maybe mutilated so they can never have children again for a mistake that they made because they were young and foolish.  Is this really worth it?

God allows us to make our own choices every single day.  Life is precious; I totally agree, but the answers are not easy in the abortion debate.  I may not agree with many abortions but I do agree with choice.  McCain/Palin want to overturn Roe vs Wade and I can't support that. 

However, I'm not saying that my reasons or my choice is the right one.  In fact, after my workout today, God and I had a little talk and I told Him something like this:

God, I have no idea who the right person to vote for is.  All I can do is make the best decision I can based on what I know, but I don't know if my decision is the right one.  So, this is in your hands, Father.  Let the right man to run our country win, because you know who the better choice is, if there is indeed a better choice between the two.

Bottom line about this post is that you have to go out tomorrow and vote for whoever you feel is the best man for the job.  I'm not a girl to sling politics or get mad because someone is not voting the way I am.  Most all politics are corrupt anyway, so why lose friends over elections or add tension to relationships over elections?  It seems silly.  But you all have a right to choose how to vote, so go out there tomorrow and vote what you believe to be the right way. 

It's important.

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