Thursday, November 20, 2008

Paying It Forward

A few folks shared with me their paying it forward stories from this week.  Now, while any kindness we extend to anyone is nothing short of wonderful, I want to propose something more.  I don't want to diminish the things we do out of the goodness of our hearts for our loved ones in any way.  Kim has been helping numerous friends and co-workers and I have made it a point to spend time with Tod every day as he still can't drive.  These kindnesses are not difficult or out of our comfort zone because we know and love these people.  Spending time with them is a gift for us.

Here is what I want to propose for the season of Advent:  Paying it forward to total strangers.  Doing some small kindness to help someone we don't know, as often as the opportunity presents itself.  We all know and have experienced the rudeness of the human race lately.  So often I am appalled by the things people do to each other, total strangers, because what?  If we don't know them, it's okay to be rude?  We've all been victims of this and Lord forgive us, we have probably all done our share of being rude, either intentionally or unintentionally. 

Imagine the good it would do to simply say something kind to a mother struggling to shop with a child throwing a tantrum, or to help an elderly person unload shopping bags into her trunk, or to help someone get something down from a top shelf.  What about anonymously? Where are the opportunities to do something for someone without telling them about it?  To do it completely selflessly.  How can we make someone's life a little easier during what has become the busiest and most commercial season of the year?  I'm thinking that a random act of kindness is a way of bringing Christ back to the season. 

I would love for someone with some know-how to create a little button for bloggers who would like to participate, that they can place in their sidebar.  I have no clue how to do this, but I'm betting one of you knows how.  Maybe something Christmas-ey with a slogan.  Then we can pass this onto our blogging friends and see how many people we can get involved. 

You are just looking for opportunities to practice random acts of kindness as you go about your normal day.  It doesn't have to be huge; change can begin with something small.  Share your random acts here or on your own blog (but please drop me a comment with a link so I can read!).  It's time to spread a little love throughout our worlds instead of the ugliness we so often see.

So, who is in with me?  And who knows how to make a badge??

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