Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All Clean and Tidy

For those of you who have been keeping up with my colon, all is well.  He removed a couple of polyps, but no indication of cancer anywhere.  Of course, while we were in the waiting room, waiting (duh) for them to call my name, The Brit's cell phone rang and it was the alarm company, telling him that our alarm system had been tripped by the motion detector in the kitchen, so he had to leave me in order to go meet with the police.  So the whole time I was back there being prepped and waiting for my turn, I was all worried about if we had been robbed again, and if someone had broken in, were my cats and camera all right.  My nurse, Karen, was wonderful though and kept checking the lobby for him and when he finally got there, right before they were going to take me back, she let him come back to update me. Seems one of the felines must have tripped it by being up high somewhere and jumping down.

As it turns out, my nurse in the prcedure room I graduated high school with, so we chatted before they gave me that wonderful I-don't-give-a-shit cocktail and then I was aware of nothing else until they were wheeling me back.  Man, I wish I could sleep that deeply every night!  So no more colon stuff for 3-5 years depending on the biopsy results.  The procedure itself is so easy; the prep sucks.  I could have eaten my own arm this morning.  The good news is that my scale read 228 this morning, though I'm not going to change my ticker just yet!  I look (and hope) to be no further up tomorrow than 229 which was the last time I updated my ticker.

No news from Susan yet.  Her hubby is supposed to call me, but she should be out of surgery by now, but maybe still in recovery.  I know she has a friend, Stephanie, who reads here, so Steph, if you are reading and have an update on how Susan's surgery went, please drop me a comment.

Prayers also going for Laura's hubby, who had surgery today at Hopkins.  Still waiting to hear some news on that one as well.

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