Monday, October 6, 2008

Memory Lane

So I've been sitting here at the computer for the last few hours, scanning photos for my mother's 80th surprise birthday party on the 18th as I'm in charge of the slide show.  What I realized is that I can share some of my younger photos with all of you after completing all this scanning!

One of the few photos of me when I was a normal size.

mom, me and my three brothers.

Then we start to balloon....

Mom and my neice, Danette in the front.  Then in the back from left to right: me, brother John and my other neice, Kim.

Me in the front next to mom, looking gorgeous as now not only was I packing on pounds, but I had glasses and straight hair to boot.  Please note the lovely ponytail holder...not sure where I was going with that.  Behind us are my sister, MaryAnn, her hubby, Ron and one of my older brothers, Doug.

Now we are jumping ahead a whole bunch of years.  This was probably 13 years ago...I'm the one who is as big as a house, if you had any doubt. From left to right: Sister Connie, Sis in law, Cathy, mom, John, my x-roomie, Mike and me.

This was taken in Baltimore...not sure how long ago.  I'd venture to say it was a year or so before I met The Brit.  Front row, my dad (who died in 1999) my mom, me and back row: Neice Becky, her dad Denny, sister Vicki, sister Maryann and her hubby Ron.

And finally, my parents, The Brit and I on our wedding day.  Yes, we got married on the beach.

Thus concludes our fat tour of 2008.

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