Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Christmas at my house

For me, the first day of school is a huge celebration.  It's not so much that they are going back to school, but more that I get my routine back, and my quiet time.  If I could get these two things and have them be out of school, I would not be so excited about them going back.  But my kids and routine do not go hand in hand for summer.  They are still not old enough to get that sometimes there are things adults want to do, like go to the gym, so they make it hard for me to get there, but being not quite trustworthy to be at home alone for long periods of time.

But I digress.  SCHOOL!  Aaron has already started soccer and seems to be liking it.  I think it will be important for him to be a part of a team and will hopefully help him to develop some better social skills.  JJ was excited to go back today and was excited when he got home.  Aaron is still at school as he had practice afterward.

For me, Operation 14 is underway.  Michael, my GBC, was back from vacation so I was back at kickboxing last night and loving it.  Today I hit the YMCA for 30 minutes on the elliptical and tomorrow I plan on working some weights but I need to do some research.  The classes out there that teach you that kind of stuff cost extra sadly, which bugs me.  I know I need to change some things up to hit my goal by Christmas, but knowing what changes need to be made is harder to know.  I think the running will help considerably though once Tod and I start that. 

It felt so good to get back there last night and today.  It still amazes me that exercise, something I once dreaded and hated now invigorates me.  Sure, there are days I would much rather park my ass in front of the computer or television and not bother.  I still have those urges, all the time!  But the fact remains that working out makes me feel so much better.  It fuels my soul, gives me more energy and just makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.  I don't enjoy the process.  Not.  At.  All.  But the aftermath of every workout is all good. 

Our wedding anniversary is Friday and the plan is to get Ron White tickets to celebrate a little later once the show happens.  He is rank and makes me laugh like nobody's business and I am hoping to get really good seats.  Very exciting. 

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