Friday, August 7, 2009


I'm in kind of an ugly place today.  I'm impatient for school to begin (I have never been a patient person and I thought by giving me my children, God was trying to teach it to me, but so far it hasn't worked much.  I'm a little afraid of what He might do next to teach me patience...) for several reasons...

1. I miss my five workouts a week
2. I'm really tired of picking up after them.
3. I'm really tired of when I'm not picking up after them, I'm walking around behind them making sure they are picking up after themselves.
4. I miss a few hours of quiet time five days a week.  In the summer, quiet "me" times are hard to come by and I thrive on those moments.
5. I'm so over listening to them bicker.

I love them dearly, but summer wears on me.  I love the heat, but dislike the insanity.  I try to take them out and do things with them like biking and one or both of them is constantly complaining ("My butt hurts" "My brakes need fixed" "I need a wider seat" "I need to stretch" and I could go on for another several lines).  It can be exhausting and it makes me wonder why I ever wanted to take them out in the first place.  I know it is all typical parent/child stuff, but by the end of summer, I am ready to claw my way to the first day of school.

So can I tell you how excited I am that next week is their final full week of summer break? 

And can I tell you how thrilled I am that tonight is the last night of VBS?

And can I tell you how excited I am that tomorrow we are going out on the boat to Deep Creek with the youth group? 

So though impatient, things are starting to look up.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I'm saying this, but "yayy end of summer"???

    That seems so unnatural! :)
