Monday, August 31, 2009

The Wayward Blogger Returns

Okay, so here is the deal.  NaBloPomo is doing a blog every day for the month of September and the theme (which is not a requirement) is "Beautiful".  I'm signing up so I can get back into more regular blogging again.  I have totally enjoyed the break tho!

I've been busy working out, Facebooking, Tweeting and enjoying the back to school time of year.  The weather has already started to get cooler here, which bums me out a little.  I actually had to wear a jacket this morning and it isn't even September yet!  In fact I think I need a jacket now!

My stress has been a little bit better, though my oldest son continues to play up and my mother is a compact stress machine who I never know where I stand with so I have elected to stop worrying about it.  She has been really hard work the last year and I guess when someone takes your deepest insecurities that you confided in them and then hurls them back at you in a way to make you hurt, well, let's just say it's not something you get over.  I now forever guard my heart around her and measure almost everything I say and I'm sure to her it translates into "we aren't close anymore" and maybe we aren't.  But we do have a relationship and I do love her, but for now it has to be on my terms and my terms consist of not giving her ammunition about my life to use against me when she gets pissed.  Never again.  So that is the new reality and though I may not always like it, it just is what it is.

In more exciting news, The Brit and I are going to take the motorcycle course at the college within the next few months.  It's something we both want to do and you only live once, so I for one want to do everything I can.  I think it was Danny Kaye who said that life is a canvas and we should throw all the paint on it we can.  A rule to live by.

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