Monday, August 24, 2009


So last week had its share of issues that overflowed into the weekend and then some dribbled over into today.  Weekends tend to stress me out anyway if we don't have any plans.  We have two boys who if they don't have something to occupy their time, they become huge stressors. They bicker, argue and generally get into things they aren't supposed to, which trickles down to The Brit, who gets annoyed and then I, who doesn't handle stress well anyway, starts to get on edge.

And that was this weekend.  And this morning we got up to the same problem we had started dealing with Thursday night which was water backup in the basement.  Thankfully, it is now resolved and hopefully permenantly this time, but the last few days have left me devoid of much energy.

My mother also flared up in the midst of all this crap.  See, two weeks ago, The Brit installed an air conditioner for her in the spare room.  Well, her window was too large for the unit, so he did a quick fix with a plyboard and some duct tape (as that fixes all or so they say).  He checked with our favorite hardware store, who did not have the right size plexi-glass he needed, but would try to get in the right size.  Then last week, The Brit had a kidney stone Tuesday/Wednesday, we had water in the basement Thursday/Friday and our anniversary was Friday. 

So Saturday, my mother leaves her token blistering message of "I don't know if you plan on fixing this air conditioner or not but I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know."

Gotta love her.  No, she had no idea of what was going on in our world, as being 43, I don't call her with every little update as I am an adult.  But doesn't common sense dictate that AC does not always take presidence over everything?  Guess not.

In other news, I have fallen in love with Jodi Picoult.  I have read "My Sister's Keeper" and now am completely engrossed in "The Pact" which I just discovered is a Lifetime movie, which I am recording this weekend but not watching until the book is finished.  Especially as Hollywood likes to change the ending to books.  Let's just say that those of you who saw "My Sister's Keeper" but never read don't have the real ending...and that kind of crap really makes me angry.

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