Monday, January 11, 2010

Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

I still have trouble calling myself a runner.  It seems a bit of a stretch to me.  Does running/walking for two miles qualify me as a runner?  Not a clue.

I think a lot of running is mental.  When I was running today on the treadmill, I found myself wondering when I could stop despite the fact that my legs felt good.  I get winded obviously, but not uncomfortably so.  I have to wonder if the bigger problem is that this is something I struggle with realizing I CAN actually do.  A few years ago, if someone had told me I'd running at all, I'd of laughed or asked who the hell was chasing me and was death certain if I got caught?  It is a mind game.  I feel on top of the world when I am finished, while at the same time feel great fear over the thought of a longer run later in the week possibly.  I am going to change things up a bit though.  The weather is finally supposed to warm up into the 40s or 50s by mid week so if this is true, I may take a run/walk at our local fairgrounds.  Would like to experience an outdoor run so I can compare it to the treadmill.  We'll see how it goes.

Food has been going fairly well.  Actually, my scale showed a three pound loss this morning but I am having constipation/hemmie issues again (we strive for TMI around here.  It's a goal) so in...errr...breaking that up, I may have expelled three pounds from my body yesterday, which would make the scale a fluke this morning.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.  I've been trying to get myself straightened out with food.  I have challenged myself to eat oatmeal and this morning's breakfast of quick oats with 1% milk, splenda, cinnamon and 1/2 a banana was yummy.  Then there is fruit.  In addition to the half banana, I have had a clementine and an apple today.  Fiber, fiber, fiber. 
Oh, the fun we girls have inherited from our mother!

Tomorrow I am taking the mother to have a skin cancer removed from her nose.  We have to be in Frederick at 8:30 and we could be there all day.  I may bring the laptop in the event I can get internet there which would be nice.  So no work tomorrow, but I do have to get up way earlier in order to get ready, eat and pick mom up by 7:15.  Hopefully I will be back in plenty of time to get ready for kickboxing at 6:30. 

Oh and I sent away for information on the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this spring (I think it is that one...or it could be the Susan Komen Walk for Breast Cancer.  If I ever get the information packet, I'll fill you all in on the details.  Hey Susan, you doing either of those walks???

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hon! Well I didn't want you to think I had fallen off the face of the earth. I am just in DC working. I am in awe of your determination. Every now and then I run with the dog to tire her out (well not as much since the whole blood clot thing) but to get out of the house and run on a consistent basis as you do...I am amazed.
