So here is what is happening tomorrow:
My friend and Blogger wiz, Laura, is coming over here late in the afternoon to transfer all the posts from my other blog to this blog. The other blog is going to go away. The church people who in their special way, seem to hate me, are all over the other blog still. I don't think they all are, but there are still far too many hits coming over there than is the norm. The only way I can make them leave it alone is for it to go away. If any of you here, know of anyone else who used to read the other blog and was not invited here, please let me know. When I did my invite list for this blog, I went by my comments section to see who read and commented. I am sure I have readers who do not comment and for them, I am sorry, but I cannot have the blog being public right now. Once I have a new job, I will probably make this one public but until then, it can't happen.
I found out today who threw me under the bus. Everytime I think I have my feelings about this under control, I find out something new. The Brit resigned last night and apparently after he left, the whole story came out. A member of the church and his wife didn't like the blog post and pulled another member of council into it. The thing is that out of the seven people who are so twisted at me and The Brit right now, these two people have been the nicest! I think she knew today when I was leaving tho, that I knew it was she and her husband. I was just trying to get out the door and she stopped me and said "Give me a hug."
I guess she was hoping to drive the knife in deeper. Unbelievable.
I am not sure how any of this for the church is going to end up. I don't want them to fall, and they didn't the first time there was trouble (this couple was right smack in the middle of that mess too. Go figure. Though the folks that left in that split had definite issues in their way of thinking, I was there but not in the midst of the mess. This couple seems to thrive there) so hopefully they will survive this mess too. But lots of people are still upset on "both sides" (I hate the sides thing. shouldn't we all be on the same side?) and that is never a good thing. Someone tell me that there are normal churches out there that don't have drama every five years?
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