Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What I Love about Losing 102 Pounds


  • Energy

  • Being able to try daring new hairstyles without having to worry about how fat my face looks

  • Being able to curl up in a chair

  • Being able to cross my legs

  • Being able to do 100 crunches

  • Being able to cross my legs when sitting

  • New confidence I never thought to have (Some people may not like it, but it makes me feel happier and more self assured.)

  • Being able to run upstairs, even from my basement carrying a basket of laundry to the top floor without being winded.

  • Snow tubing

  • Baths

  • Feeling at home in my own body for the first time ever

  • Buying clothes in a normal store

  • Sitting in booths at restaurants and not being afraid I won't fit

  • Not spilling food down the front of me

  • Only having one chin

  • No more lower back pain in the mornings

  • To no longer feel as if people are staring at me because of my size

  • Having a much less limited wardrobe

  • Feeling as if I can do anything I set my mind to

  • Feeling great after a two hour workout instead of feeling like a three hour nap after walking for 30 minutes

  • Living my life instead of watching it from the sidelines

  • Finally loving myself to know that I am worth the work

  • Understanding what it is like for those who are obese who struggle with the answers.  Dear Lord, never let me forget nor lose my compassion.  If I could, I'd be the female Richard Simmons.

  • Knowing that I still have tons of things I want to try (horseback riding, parasailing, just to name a few) and that I can, indeed, try them successfully.

  • Sharing the journey with my beloved C&P girls and The Brit

  • Feeling utterly and completely happy


  1. Yayyy!! All wonderful things!

    ONE HUNDRED CRUNCHES? Dang, I need to get on the ball!

  2. Hey Kim, i couldn't have said it better myself....I saw Pat Jordan yesterday (gosh I Luv her) for my 3 month follow - up.I am down 53 lbs. (including the 10 I lost in the 2 weeks before surgery) and feel great. Pat did the numbers and I have lost about 43% of my excess body weight. I am currently at 222 and my goal is 160. (I'm a tall gal). I told Pat I feel great, everyday I feel better and have more energy ....Your posts along with Thinner Times keep me going. You are right ...I still have the compassion for those overweight ..me among them...
    Have a great day ....today is actually my 3 month NEW-BIRTHDAY ...
    lUV, SUSAN

  3. Hooray Kim...to all of those things...I cross my legs all the time now...even after it begins to ache, I keep them crossed because I can...lol

    And your C&P girls love you too...


  4. You know, I am so very proud of you (and The Brit). Now, maybe you see and love all the stuff I've seen and loved all along!! You are a fine and wonderful person and I'm very blessed to call you my friend. xoxox Shell

  5. YEAH! Very cool list - you are amazing and I'm so proud of you! This journey hasn't always been easy, but you're a champ!
