Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's Coming....

So I may have found a Bible study at another Lutheran Church.� I was looking at the non-denominational churches but they only have things in the evenings and that gets�complicated.�� My other option would be an on-line Bible study and I may have to research that next.� I would still think that there are some small groups that meet in my town during the week (I even called Borders Books as they have groups meet in their cafe) but so far I have come up empty handed.� One would have never thought that trying to get a little God in my life on a weekly basis would be so difficult but it is.� The really sad part is that it should be really easy.�


I honestly have nothing else to write about today!� I am coming up blank and my mind is so full of stuff I am trying to get accomplished that it is hard to narrow in on a topic.� Then I start fretting about the fact that Christmas is coming and didn't we JUST do Christmas?� Hate that holiday!� Yeah, yeah, yeah, the girl who is looking for a Bible study hates Christmas.� See, if Christmas wasn't all about children and expensive electronics, I would love it.� I love the decorating and the baking.� I love the TRUE spirit of Christmas, which nowadays is very well hidden underneathe all the commercialism.� My ultimate Christmas would be a candlelight service somewhere they have a for real sermon, then Christmas Day, a big meal with my mother, close family that I love spending time with�and a few close friends who have nowhere else to go on Christmas Day (if this is you, hit me up.� You can have dinner with us!), followed by a fire in the fireplace, wine and a whole lot of talking and exchanging stories.� THAT would be Christmas for me.� Not a bunch of stress about "Why do my kids want such expensive gifts and by the time I get them one or two things they want there is next to nothing under the tree?"� That is often what Christmas is at my house. Then after all the gift opening, the husband gets grouchy and I get stressed trying to get a meal on the table to suit everyone's schedule and after dinner, the kids go to grandma's and I curl up on the sofa exhausted with the TV droning out all possibility of conversations�and already dreading next year.� If only I could work out a way to make it my first scenario and still have everyone be happy, I could probably love the holiday again.

So apparently when I have nothing to write about, I write about dreading upcoming holidays.� You all can be Thankful that Christmas is the only one I hate.

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