Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Short and Sweet

I am really tired tonight so this is going to be really brief.  VBS is in full swing and kicking my butt.  I've been working in the morning until 12:30, running errands afterwards (to the store, to the library, to the vitamin store, Borders, blah, blah, blah), getting home to tidy up and then leaving for the church again by 5:30 (I have about two spare hours between getting home and leaving again, at least the last two days.).

I'm also currently getting over a dumping episode.  Thankfully, I do not barf when I dump; at least so far. Basically, I get really hot, and feel like I'm going to toss my cookies, then get really sleepy.  My mother gave me fruit at VBS and now I wonder if it was fresh or canned in heavy syrup, because dang!  Blah!  So not fun.

Has anyone heard all the hype about "The Shack"??  My sister was telling me how good it is, and my other sister read it and bought it for my mom.  I went on eBay and all the copies had numerous bids on it.  On Amazon, it had nearly 400 reviews.  I went to Borders today to get it, thinking I would have to go to the Religious section to find it, but there were dozens of copies everywhere in the store!  I just started it and am not very far.  You Christian gals, might want to check it out and let me know what you think.  I'm gonna go read now.

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