Sunday, July 13, 2008

What I Notice So Far...

So, Godaddy added a font color thingy and it doesn't seem to work.  I tell it what color I want and it tells me black is my only option.  Whatever.

I am very much starting to notice some things now that 55 pounds are gone forever.  Wow.  I can barely even say that sentence and believe it, but the scale tells me it's true!  So, just for my own little blog memory book, here is what is happening:

  1. I was able to run...let me say that again....RUN up the steps at the Verizon Center this weekend at the conference.  AND, I was able to truck my ass around the concourse in record time...AND I was not even out of breath.

  2. I fit in the seat at the conference...comfortably.

  3. I walked all over DC and other than my heel spur, it did not bother me at all.

  4. To church this morning, I wore a pair of pants I have probably had for 11 years and before today, they had never been worn because they did not fit!

  5. I feel more confident in general.

  6. My clothing options are so much better now!  Styles I could not have gotten away with 55 pounds ago, now look pretty good.  Do I have a long way to go yet?  Yeah, I do, but it all seems possible now.

I have also started investigating my horseback riding lessons and have found a stable close to me.  I have shot some emails back and forth with the owner and I could actually start my lessons now at my current weight, but I want to wait until at least fall, if not spring to get started.  It's hard to wait though because I am very excited!

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