Thursday, January 8, 2009


So I am all out of witty things to say about the burping saga.  Just know that it goes on...and on...and on....

The Brit leaves tomorrow, though I have barely seen him in two days as apparently going out of the country for two weeks means catching up at the desk job first, so he didn't get home till 1:00 am this morning and then was gone again before I had gotten up.  Just saw him briefly as the kids wanted to go to dad's work for awhile, so I dropped them off and now have some down/wine time.  Maybe have to go finished watching my DVR'd "Whale Wars". 

Tomorrow is my ultrasound and I am already annoyed with our new forced upon us insurance company.  Not only is Dr. Schweitzer not on their list of in-network doctors, but neither is the only other surgeon I know and trust locally, Dr. Wineberg. I hate this!  Why The Brit's company has to screw with insurance, I will never understand as I liked our last insurance company, dangit!


  1. I'm not sure what all surgery Dr. Chaney does, but anyone I ever knew that had him LOVED him!!

  2. I don't know if you've been to the board today, but Jeanette was admitted to the hospital for an issue with her heart. Nina got a message on her phone, but we don't really know any more than that. The hospital won't tell Nina anything.
