Monday, January 5, 2009

The noise continues

So the belching continues and the nurse practitioner wants me to call the dietician because it is probably something I ate.  ON SATURDAY??  LIKE OVER 48 HOURS AGO?  FOR REAL??  It kind of blows my mind a bit.

So the first day back at work went well and so did the first day back at the Y; I did my normal cardio and neither died nor passed out. I have also discovered that I am addicted to Facebook now.  I added about a kabillion new friends last night and it was awesome.  I also cleaned JJ's room today, ie, the pit of hell. 

With that alone, I am ready to call it a day.


  1. Whew, that DOES sound like quite a day! I agree... something you ate 48 hours ago should be history by now. Not likely still causing problems!

    I'll be honest and admit I did NOT make it to the gym today as I had planned, but it's my personal promise to YOU that I will go tomorrow. Now I must!

  2. This may be TMI, but I used to be able to eat raw garlic by the clove. Now, if I eat even a little of it, about 24 hours afterward, I start to feel so bloated and have serious burping, etc., issues that last for three or four days. So, yeah, it's possible.
