Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes...Turn and face the strange..or hard headed

I've decided that when it comes to some things, I'm a little bit complicated. 

In many sets of circumstances, I can easily put on a front of "I don't care".  Not because I'm being difficult, but because some things are just how they are and even if someone else doesn't accept those things being as they are, it doesn't make it anyone's fault.  So if I'm doing something I'm supposed to be doing and someone gets angry because I'm doing it, my thoughts are just "It is what it is" and if someone else can't deal with it, that isn't my problem.

Not that I'm callus. It isn't that.  There are just some things that need to change or that are supposed to change regardless of how someone else feels about it. 

I like people to like me for the most part and don't like having people angry with me, unless they are people I don't particularly care for.  I give everyone a fair shake, I think, but some people are just disagreeable, or vindictive and those kinds of people, I really don't care if they like me or not.  God says I have to love them, but I don't have to like them.  There is a difference and not everyone is likable. 

So when someone I either like or don't dislike is angry with me, it bothers me, especially when their anger is misplaced. 

Today, someone accused me of something being "my fault" when I was just following the instruction of those who give me instruction in my job.  This person though, apparently feels that the changes are of my doing and they aren't really.  I support the changes because they should have changed a long time ago and this one person is the sole reason the changes didn't happen years before.  People have fought for this in the past, and didn't win out against one individual, who surprisingly enough, is not an employee, but a volunteer.  An elderly, do not change anything because I don't want anything to change ever, volunteer.

Because of the changes taking place, I have spent time walking on eggshells around this person because I don't dislike her and I don't want to butt heads with her.  And though I empathize with her situation regarding this change, I still support the change as the right thing to do, but she is never going to see it as the right thing to do. 

Today, when she blantantly accused me of this being my fault, I came back at her (calmly, of course) in order to defend myself.  The changes were not my fault just because I supported them. Yet, I hate to see someone upset and she was upset; tearful even.  I know when you have been doing something for forty years, it must be hard to give it up, but yet, the only thing constant in this life, other than God, is change.  People grow older, technology advances, situations mold and evolve.  You can't stop it.  Yes, you can dig your heels in and declare you aren't going, but then life is just going to pass you by while you stubbornly remain right where you are.

So, how do you handle someone like this?  If I empathize too much, she will think I agree with her, which I don't.  I know she is hurt but she is taking this personally and it is not personal.  Yes, I tried to tell her that today, so maybe there is nothing else that can be done.  I don't want her to be upset, but I don't want to be her scapegoat either just because she needs someone to be angry with because life changes.  Get angry with a clock...that would make just as much sense as getting angry with me.

Hopefully, and this too shall pass.

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